Chapter 24 "Mountains"

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Newt sat in one of the couches, you were seated sideways next to him. Leaning against his chest as you were still out cold, his arm around you as he from time to time strokes your head. Brenda had just gotten better after herself being unconscious, she sat not far from Newt and you. Aris sat in a armchair that was placed right next to the couch.
"Do you think they'll be alright?" Frypan asked a littel concerned. Brenda sighed.
"Probably, they got a bit more than me." She explained to the boys.
"If they wake up, hmhm" Marcus laughed from tye chair he was tied to, earning a slap across the face from Jorge. Making him jump at tye stinging pain.
"They'll wake up, both have pulse. Don't listen to that idiot." Teresa told from where she sat with Thomas.
Jorge rolled his eyes and went to stand next to Aris. Minho sighed and moved over towards Newt.
"Ey man, you're being pretty quiet." He told the blond boy, Newt only lifted his eyes from you before looking back down at you.
"She tried to remember me, when she was taken away and got her memory wiped." He said quietly, Minho just being able to hear what he said.
"How do you know?" Minho sat at the armrest on opposite side of where Newt sat.
"She talked in her sleep while we got up here." Minho nodded at the answer and let out a sigh.
"You know I'm fine with it right? You and her, I'm getting used to it."
"If that ever happens." Newt sighed.
"Just give her time man."

Minho nudged Newt in the arm, the sides of his lips tugging into a smile. But the quietness of the room was broken by Marcus saying that he wouldn't tell a word and only laughing, the sudden yell of Jorge getting angry and giving the man a good punch made your eyes to flutter open. The sudden light made you grimace as you felt the wave of pain in your head.
"Stupid shank.." You grumbled with closed eyes, this snapped Newt and Minho to look at you.
"Hey, you okey?" Newt asked as you sat up a bit, eyes still closed until you rubbed your eyes and looking around.
"What's going on?" You looked around. More confused than ever.
"You look like you had loads of fun, shebean." Minho joked and poked your arm.
"What's going on?" You turned to Newt.
"Getting to know how to get to the Right Arm." Newt pointed towards the man. You were so confused you didn't know what to do. Just turning so you sat against tge back of the couch, Newt rubbed up and down your right arm and keept his eyes on Marcus but he keept looking over at you. You sighed and just sank into the couch's softness.

The sound of Teresa talking to someone made Minho jump up from his place and go over. Seeing Thomas was awake. Chuck then suddenly came running from where Teresa was, he'd been sitting in a window looking at people as there wasn't much for a thirteen year old to do.
"I suggest that you talk! You son of a bitch " Jorge yelled and you wipped your head up to look at him and the man. Newt simply put a arm over your shoulders as he watched them as well, you looked at his arm, the butterflies appearing again. You were unable to push it off or even protest. You felt the couch shift in weight as Chuck propped down next to you.
"I missed you (n/n)." He told you quietly, smiling brightly. You did the same before looking back.
"Damn it!" Jorge yelled again.
"I'm sorry, you're going to have to leave my house." The man told.
"Looks like you've been having fun." Newt turned to Thomas as he got closer.
"Listen. I don't enjoy hurting you. Okey? Where's the Right Arm Marcus?" Jorge calmed down and asked, trying hard not to lash out again.
"Wait, this is Marcus?" Thomas spoke up and Marcus started to chuckle as all of you eyed him down.
"The kid catches on quickly. Are you the brains of this operation?" Jorge grabbed his hair and pulled his face to look at him.
"I know you know her they're hiding. So you tell me, and I'll make you a deal."

Marcus only laughed at Jorge, his laughter making all of you look at him uncomfortably. Newt squeezing your shoulders a littel.
"You can come with us."
"I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I made my own deals." He looked Jorge directly in the eye. "You're the one who taught me, never miss an opportunity." Laughing once more Newt lifed his head a littel as his face showed confusion.
"What's he talking about?" Newt asked.
"I'm talking about supply and demand. W.C.K.D wants all the immunes they can get... I help provide that for them." Mracus pauses and looks at everyone in the room. Chuck wears a disgusted face at the man.
"So I lure the kids in... they get drunk, they have a great time. And then, later W.C.K.D comes in, they separate the wheat from the chaff."
As Marcus smiles with a giggle escaping his lips he shows off the bloody teeth he'd gotten due to all the punches and slaps Jorge had given him. Brenda looked away at the mere sight of him, Jorge watched as she looked away and turned back.
"I changed my mind, hermano. I do enjoy hurting you." Jorge smiled at him before backing off and kicking him right in the chest. Causing the chair Marcus was tie to fall and him with it in the process.

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