Chapter 25 "A turn off events"

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Before you read I do know in the movie Brenda isn't an immune, but she is in the book. I needed to change that for this story sorry for any confusion.

Jumping put the cars all of your eyes lit up at the sight in front of you. Tents. Smoke from fires. People walking around and sitting around the place. You stopped and took in the sight of the place you wanted to get to all these days. You looked at the place in amazement until you felt a hand on your shoulder. Looking behind you you saw it was Newt, he smiled shining, being real true happiness in his look.
"Woah, it's so big." "It's amazing." Chuck and Aris told, Harriet and Sonya smiled at it and started to walk away from the cars, all of you following them.
"They've been planning this for years. All for us." Harriet told in a soft voice as you walked past people who seemd to eat and talk, Teresa bumped your shoulder, making you look up and crack into a smile. Minho and Frypan was busy looking around the place. Brenda started to feel better, as she knew she was a immune it wouldn't surprise her if she was getting better. Jorge keept a close eye on Brenda just to be sure. But he saw her already started to regain color in her face.

"Be lucky you found us when you did, we're moving in the morning." Sonya explained, making Thomas let out a breath as he was happy to have gotten everyone there in time.
"Do you guys move around a lot?" Minho asked them as people watched all of you walk with the two girls. Your ears perked up at the sound of Minho actually asking a question when he'd always been one to tell others to stop asking so much. Well, except for his like first two months in the glade.
"No, not particularly often, but they've told us they move once being at a place for way to long." Harriet turned and walked backwards, facing all of you. Aris seemed to be happier than you'd seen him, but it wasn't a surprise, he got to meet his friends again.
"Where's Vince?" Sonya asked a man as all of you stopped for less than thirty seconds.
"Somewhere over there, I think." The man answered and pointed towards where he thought this Vince was.
"Who's Vince?" Minho asked as the walk continued.
"He's the one who decides if you guys can stay." Harriet grinned slightly, Aris gulped, Chuck was confused as always and just looked at Thomas. He seemd to be determined and the younger boy copied his determination, Newt walked up beside you and his fingers slightly traced on your hand as you walked. He wanted to hold your hand again as the feeling was amazing but he was got to unsure to do it.

"I thought the Right Arm were supposed to be an army?" Minho said more as a question.
"Yeah. We are!" A man announced, getting out from a tent that was not far away. He looked to be around Jorges age, maybe a bit younger? He walked over towards all of you.
"Many good people died getting us this far. Who are they?" He told before turning to Harriet.
"They're immunes. Caught 'em coming up the mountain." She explained to him, he looked over all of you with a unsure look, or maybe uneasy?.
"Did you check them?" "I know this guy, Aris, I trust him." Harriet immediately answered Vince and put a hand on Aris' shoulder.
"Well I don't. Check them!" He motioned for the men to go check all of you over.

As the men tried to tear all of your bags away from you the commotion started.
"Get you hands off of me!" Thomas yelled at one of theen as he started to look over his pockets for guns, explosives, anything that could cause harm. The men didn't stopp and once Thimas started to fight back the others lost their tempers and started to get aggressive with the rest of you. As one of the men tried to tear your bag away from you you fought back.
"Let go of my bag! I don't have anything!" You told the man as sternly as you could, but he didn't bug and started to try tear it away from you.
"Let go of our stuff shanks!" Minho told one of the men.
"Let go of me you pice of klunk!" Chuck tried to fight them, but them being bigger than him didn't help.

At the commotion building up a woman heard it all. But when she recognized a voice. Someone she'd not heard from in about more than three weeks. She darted as fast as she could out the tent and getting. She ran towards the group where the yelling and loud talking came from.
"Hey! Hey, what's going on?!" She asked loudly and the men let all of you go. Vince shrunk back a bit and looked at the woman. The woman's gaze turned to Thomas and her features imminently softened.
"Hello Thomas." She smiled an looked at him. Thomas shifted his weight uncomfortably and looked ta her. You held your bag in front of you and looked at Frypan and Chuck confused. Newt glancing over at you, as you held onto the bag like a life line, him wondering why.
"What? You know me?" Thomas breathed and looked at her.
"Interesting. Makes sense they've put you in the maze." She walked closer. "Though I have to admit, I was worried they'd killed you after what you did." She told.
"What I did?" Thomaa questioned her.
"The first time we spoke, you told me you couldn't take it anymore. Watching your friends die one by one."
Teresa walked forward and looked at Thomas intensely as as wanted to know exactly why he was sent up the maze.

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