Chapter 4 "The two of you"

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Most of the boys were awake. They had already eaten breakfast and you were still asleep. But the boys didn't mind, really. They let you sleep. But it ended erlier than thought. Alby and Minho had gone into the maze, looking up a dead griever. This meant that you were first in command alone with Newt as second in command. Not a good thing. But it had to be done, so Jeff had sacrifice one for the team and went to wake you up. None of the boys ahd the guts to wake you as you were quite a mood when waking up.

Jeff slowly opened the door into your hut. You were snuggled up under your blankets the hood covering your face. It was unbelievably hot today and he wondered how you didn't die from the heat. Slowly but surely he shook you awake. When your eyes opened he smiled sheepishly.
"What?" You asked while closing your eyes and turning your back against him.
"You gotta get up, Alby is in the maze with Minho. So you're in command." At those four words you turned quickly before jumping out your hammock.
"I'm what?" You asked standing in front of Jeff.
"You're alone in charge, Newt's taken care of most while you were asleep." Jeff explained. You sighed loudly and started to walk out the hut to find Newt. Jeff was surprised at how well calm you were and not such a mood.

When you went outside you got hit by the hot sun. You imminently took of the hoodie and tied it around your waist. You walked through the glade. All the boys were working for full and of course some of them were joking around. You looked for Newt when you then spotted him, Thomas, Chuck and Zart. They were all working, well except for Chuck who didn't have a job. You qhickly walked over to them. When Newt looked up from his work he spotted you walking towards them. He smiled.
"Well look who's put of bed! Did you kill Jeff on the way?" He joked with you. You smiled sarcastically at him.
"No, I could never kill Jeff. He's to sweet!" You told him.

"Well what did you want? I guess you wanted something." Newt then asked you as he felt jealousy build up inside him.
"Yeah can you like help me with the whole first in command role? I don't like that title at all." You smiled sheepishly as you asked the question. Newt took in a breath of air before nodding.
"Yeah sure" He put down the knife he was using. "Zart, make sure he works." Newt pointed to Thomas who looked confused. You laughed at the face Thomas had, it just said confusion. Newt walked up to you and the two of you walked off. Thee wasn't much to be looked over, just some minor things as Newt had fixed the bigger things while you sleept. Newt look over at you as the two of you had just passed the builders working and checking to make sure they were working.
"What's wrong? You seem a littel down, but better than yesterday." Newt asked you while walked beside him.
"Well Minho was supposed to stay here in the glade today and hang out with me, but oh well. I'll just do some work around." You smiled at Newt brightly. A quality of yours was that you could easily get over things like that or accept if someone needed to do something else.

Newt then stopped. He thought for a second, looking over the glade to see all the boys still working hard. He then glanced over at you. An idea forming in his head.
"What were you and Minho gonna do?" He asked softly. You narrowed your eyes a littel as you tried to remember, a bell then rang in your head.
"Just sit in the middle of the glade and talk, I was gonna read a littel." You shrugged while smiling.
"Well go get your book then" Newt tells you, you furrow your brows.
"What?" "Go get your book and the two of us can just do it" Newt then explains for you. You light up like a flame and smile.
"I'll be back in one minute!" You yell while running of to get your book. Newt laughed and shook his head as you ran of.

"What are you up to ugly shank?" Gally the emerged from behind where the other builders were.
"Waiting for (y/n)," Newt simply tells him.
"Stop drooling over her and just get together!" Gally rolls his eyes as it was clear as day Newt AND Minho liked you.
"And why should I take your advise?" Newt glance at him. Gally try to think of a reason but don't come up with one. Just the  you come out your hut with book in hand. Newt starts to walk of but then stops.
"Right and Gally, get back to work." Newt smiled smugly as he walked off.
"Shucking second in command and first in command, can do what ever they feel like." Gally grumbled while narrowing his eyes at Newt. Newt made his way over to you a smile plastered to his face. The two of you walked to the middle of the glade together. You smiled as you saw the diffrent flowers in the field.

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡⇢ 𝘕𝘦𝘸𝘵Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz