Chapter 22 "Attacked"

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Minho groaned in annoyance where he hung. All the others wer quiet and didn't say a word.
"You really had to have (y/n) talk to them?" Thomas asked as he spun slowly and got turned towards Newt, they'd hung there for a good twenty minutes.
"He's to whipped for her not to." Teresa laughed and Newt eyed her down where he hung.
"More like, she can negotiate with people than loosing her temper." Newt corrected and looked at Thomas.
"He dose have a point buddy." Chuck pointed out.
"Shut up." Thomas quickly shot and let his arms hang, Frypan and Aris just chuckled at the boy as he acted like a littel kid who hadn't got any candy for the weekend. Even though joking about the situation was something all of them did, but if you couldn't convince Jorge and the girl to let all of you go, then W.C.K.D would get their hands on all of you again. Something each and every single one of you dreaded.

Jorge leand against the table behind him, holding a new glass of liquor in it as he looked you down. He was intrigued, and really wanted to know more. The girl still sat on the old couch, her feet on the table infront of her.
"So tell me hermana, why shouldn't I give all of you back to W.C.K.D?" Jorge took a sip of his glass. You sucked in a breath of air and then let it out.
"They'll kill us." You simply told him, the girl got to her feet with furrowed brows as she recognized something.
"You gotta specify your reason if you want me to even let all of you out there again." Jorge told you as the girl closed in on you, making you feel uncomfortable. But you tried to ignore her and focused back at Jorge.
"We umm..." You felt unsure about telling him how all of you got into this position, about the glade. How do you explain it without it sounding completely mental?

"We are not seen as humans by the eyes of W.C.K.D, to them we are seen as experiments. They took us from our families at a young age and started these tests on us," You started to explain the backstory to it all, what surprised you were how the two reacted. The girl looked almost shocked once you told that.
"Brenda, do you think they might..?" Jorge asked the girl, who's name supposedly was Brenda. She gave him a small nod.
"Continue." Jorge told you, you clearly your throat from the saliva that had filled your mouth and let out a shaky breath.
"These tests, what we know of, were to test our blood and the enzymes in our blood and try and make a cure. As we're immunes, we'll, most of us. Then ehmm... what I remember, one night I got taken by guard from my bunk and the next thing I know I'm wiped from all of my memories. Put in a box with a fellow boy, the two of us were sent up in a maze. We only got to keep the memories of our names, no more."

Brenda looked at you and then over at Jorge. He gave her the slightest of nod and Brenda quickly reached for the scanner once she remembered something. She quickly, so quick that you didn't even have time to react, scanned your neck. Looking at the screen she read closely on it before she saw what she was looking for.
"Maze A, subject A10" was what she saw. Making Brenda sigh.
"She's telling the truth. Bu-But how did all of you escape W.C.K.D?" Brenda turned to you and gave you a confused look.
"We got out from a maze," You shrugged. "Getting out of W.C.K.D doesn't seem like such a big deal then."
Brenda quite liked how laid back you were.
"Tell me hermana, do you all wanna get to tge right arm?" Jorge shoved down the last of his drink and walked up to you.
"The only thing we want is to be safe."
"Now, anything we need to know before we get off?" Your eyes lit up at Jorges words and you quickly realized one thing. Teresa.
"The other girl, Teresa, she's been working for W.C.K.D. But I promise she's helped us get out and all of that."

Jorge hummed in response. The sudden flash of light from the tinted window catched all of your attention. You frowned and looked at Brenda and Jorge, both of them was just as confused. But Jorge then quickly started to pack things in a bag. Catching you and Brenda off guard.
"What are you doing?" You asked Jorge as he turned.
"Seems we have company!" He told you and motioned for the window just as a voice over megaphone was heard.
"Good evening! This is the world in catastrophe killzone department! We have your compound completed surrounded, you find yourself in no fault of your own, in possession of W.C.K.D property!" Janson's voice was heard outside the compound.
"Janson." Jorge growled in a low tone as he heard Janson talk.
"You two, go get your friends! Brenda you know where to meet me!" He told the two of you, you nodded and followed Brenda as she flew down the stairs as quickly as she could.

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