Chapter 27 "Stupid boys."

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The quiet and peaceful sleep Brenda was in got interuped by the sound of an engine. She stirred in her hammock and sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she listened for the sound. It sounded as if one of the cars drove off. Sitting up she looked over towards you that were in a deep sleep not far from her. But what caught her attention as her eyes got used to the darkness was the empty hammock next to yours where every night a blond boy used to sleep. She clearly remembered Newt laying there as the two fo you fell asleep, holding your hand like he did every night. Then looking to behind her she saw that also Frypans and Thomas' hammocks were empty. Makingvher thank up as the sleep had finally passed her. Now confused about where your friends were.

"(y/n). (y/n), wake up." Brneda went over and carefully shook you. You groaned as her and turned, sighing. You slightly opened your eyes and when you saw it still was dark you groaned for a second time.
"Bren, it's in tye middle of the night. Go to sleep." You said and closed your eyes.
"Newt, Fry and Thomas is gone." She told you, at that your eyes shot open and you sat up, rubbing your eyes.
"Have you looked for them?"
"No, now come on. I think I have an idea where they went." She motioned towards the garage where tye cats was and you sighed. Following her and making sure to not wake up Chuck, Aris, Harriet or Sonya. Vince and Jorge sleeping somewhere else.

You and Brenda stopped once the both of you saw that one of the cars were missing.
"Are they-" Brenda just looked for a few seconds. "Stupid." She then ended her sentence and sighed loudly.
"Stupid boys. And they left us?" You were clearly irritated, being infected didn't help either. It had been dark in the room but in a second the light turned on. You and Brenda whipped your heads around and saw Jorge standing in the doorframe. Something he seeemd to do alot.

"So. They are gone?" Jorge said while slowly making his way towards the two of you.
"Yeah, but it can't have been long since. I heard the engine start." Brenda told him an dhe hummed in response. You just looked at Jorge as he stopped in front of the two of you. He thought about it. Would it be a long way? Maybe about a six hour drive. Could you guys catch up to them? Yes. If he was tye one to drive, then it would be like a pice of cake. Sighing Jorge picked up his jacket that laid in the garage, putting it on.
"Well. Get your things, I load with weapons. There will be cranks." Jorge told the two of you. You and Brenda hurried towards your hammocks where some of your thing were to get them.

"There will be cranks. Pff, you'll have one if I get worse." You though sarcastically in your head all while picking up your jacket, gun, ammunition and put it all on. Just as you were about to go you stopped yourself, you looked at the boy that seemed to be in such deep sleep that he wasn't even aware or woke up by the sounds of you and Brenda. The side of your mouth went into a smile. Moving some of Chuck's locks out his face you took it in.
"Come on. Jorge says we gotta go now if we don't wanna loose them." Brneda called in a hushed voice.
"Coming." You said and quietly made your way towards her. Leaving Chuck to sleep. Hoping you'd get to see him once more.


The sun had rose to as everyday I've off the heat it always did. Frypan stopped the car outside the tunnel and they all just looked at it for a moment. Thomas then jumping out and the other two following.
"You want us to go in there?" Newt turned to Thomas while pointing towards the tunnel. Thomas didn't answer and walked up beside him, looking at the map while Fry went a bit closer and looked over the place.
"Look I don't wanna come across as to negative. But I mean if I were a crank that exactly where I would be." Newt commented sarcastically.
"I don't think we have much of a choice." Thomas mumbled. All of them just eyed the tunnel for a moment. Knowing what lied ahead.
"All right, I get shotgun." Newt said before turning to go back towards the car. Frypan and Thomas eyed each and held back their laughter as Newt sounded a bit to happy about bring out the shotgun.

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