Chapter 31 "Grand entrance"

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Thomas held the gun with both his arms. Matching all the other guards around the building. He walked behind Teresa, looking around slightly to see guards outside the entrance. He gulped and continued his walking, if he was spotted he'd be dead on spot. All of you knew if it wasn't timed correctly or done correctly, all of you could get killed in the blink of an eye. Teresa looked back at Thomas as he they entered the building. Thomas was happy he had a mask on that covered his while head right now, not only did the place creep with guards that carried the same gun as he, but if his face wasn't covered he was sure everyone would notice, after what he did. The shock Thomas had when he saw the city the other night came back as he looked around tye place. It was a beautiful building really.
Teresa nodded her head at real guards or any of her colleagues going home for the night. She hoped and prayed that neither Janson or Ava would bump into them. Janson wouldn't hesitate to kill both of them if he got to know Teresa wasn't really on their side, while Ava would either order Janson to shoot them or the guards.

Surveillance nor the sensors went off while they walked inside. Showing that Teresa's littel procedure worked more than well. Thomas didn't quite keep his eyes on where he was going and got a minor heart attack as another guard stood right in front of him. Tye guards looked oddly familiar and just looked Thomas up and down, same as Thomas done to him. Looking around the guard nodded his head towards the stairs that lead to a level down. This gesture made Thomas let out a breath of relief as he now knew it was Newt, no doubt. Walking down the stairs all of them hoped you and Gally were timed and would join in just perfectly like said and like their wishes came true it was probably the smoothes ever. A guard was seen in the other side of tye glass that went into the garage and as the opening closed in the guard smoothly joined the three of them. Just a few steps later a last small staircase lead down to the garage another guard came, joining in just as swiftly as Gally.
Minho would've been proud.

As the corridor ended, a door was all that you could see. Teresa walked up and put her thumb up to the sensor. It quickly accepted and the door opened with a beep. All of you rushed inside and just as you, Newt, Thomas and Teresa were about to rush down the stairwells Gally stopped all of you.
"Hold on. Hold on." Gally looked at the box on th wall. "I can get in here."
"Stay there. Alright throw me the walkie." Thomas catched the walkie-talkie and walked down the stairs to check for guards. Teresa flopped down in the ground as she waited while you sat down on the stairs. Taking off your mask to breath some fresh air. Newt leaned on the railing, taking off his mask in a rush and coughing.
"Sit down love." You told him as she calmed down. He did as told and just looked at you. A few veins had reached your face and started to fade in.
"How do you still hold up?" He asked in a jokingly manner, both of you ahd been trying to lighten up tye last few hours.
"Guess I'm to beautiful to go crazy of a virus." You joked back and suddenly coughed just like Newt just done. Both of you sat for a moment just catching your breaths.

"Frypan, we're in. How you doing?" Thomas walked up the stairs and asked through the walkie.
"Yeah, I'm getting there. Tell Minho "Hi" for me." Frypan's voice was heard through the walkie. Thomas turned to see your eyes stay on the wall right behind him, your look intense.
"Hang in there buddy." Thomas told your friend. He pit the walkie down and turned to you, kneeling down in front of you.
"Hey, (y/n). You good?" He asked you and Newt just turned his gaze to you.
"Yeah. It's not important right now." You told hima nd stood up.

"This'll work." Gally told as he fixed some more on getting the data over to Lawrence, then was gonna help so you all didn't get caught.
"Brenda, what's your status?" Thomas asked through the walkie-talkie.
"Status is, I'm working on it."
"Copy. Just make sure you're ready on your end."
"Don't worry. You know I'm gonna be there." Brenda answered before it cut off. You looked down at Newt, he was starting to grow pale, just like you, he was clearly getting worse faster than you. But inside your body, the malfunction in your brain that'd helped you go through it slowly was starting to give up. Soon you'd be just as bad, and there was no way the serum was gonna help.
"All right, let's go!" Gally told as he was done. You all ran down the stairs.
Lawrence was more than pleased. Not only did he get the data and was able to hack into the W.C.K.D building, but he could now be in full control. Which he also demanded of his men. Thanks to him, all of you could run down the corridors without getting picked up. Or did you?

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡⇢ 𝘕𝘦𝘸𝘵Where stories live. Discover now