Chapter 21 "The whole worlds against you"

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"Someone get a flashlight!" Thomas demanded as they laid Minho down kn the concrete floor. You quickly whipped out your flashlight and turned it on, walking over to the boys. Everybody surrounded Minho as he laid unresponsive on the ground. Frypan got out his flashlight to and pointed it down to minho so they would see better.
"Minho! Come on!" Thomas called for the unconscious boy, no response. He shook him violently and breathed heavily as he was still out of breath from running.
"Come on!" Newt said in a desperate tone, even though him and Minho hadn't been on the best terms lately they were still good friends.
You watched as the boys tired to get Minho to wake up, a idea flashed in your head. Like a light bulb. You quickly shoved the flashlight into Newt's hands, him giving you a confused look. Turning to Chuck Newt you sat down and opened up his bag. Finding the water bottle.

"What the shuck are you doing (n/n)?!" Chuck asked as you pulled the bottle out his bag.
"Waking sleeping beauty up," You said, referring to the story from one of your books in the glade. Only Teresa understanding. You moved and sat beside Thomas, opening the lid of the bottle, but before doing what you intended you felt for puls, it was there.
"(y/n)-?" Thomas said before you poured the water on Minho's face, making him gasp and breath heavily.
"Ughh, what the shuck?" Minho groaned as he looked around confusion filling his face. All the boys and Teresa sighed as he was okey.
"You okey? Frypan asked him as his eyes darted around to try and recognize the place.
"What happened?" Minho didn't answer Fry's question.
"You got hit by lightning man." Chuck said in a still surprised tone.
"Huh, ahaa" Minho smiled as he laid down a littel and chuckled. All the boys laughing along, helping him up.
"Okey nice and slow!" Newt took the others as they helped Minho up, his mum side showing.

You stood up slowly, a smile on your face from Minho's sarcasm. But as you stood up you felt something, a metallic and almost like rotten flesh kinda smell filled your nostrils as you sniffed a littel. You cringed at the smell and your whole face scrunched up as it got stronger. Teresa noticed you standing to the side, like you noticed something and walked up to you. She put a hand on your shoulder, your head turned towards her and relaxed a littel as you first got scared.
"Something wrong?" Teresa asked you with concern.
"I don't think-" There was the smell again. "Do you smell that?" You asked her, your voice hushed as if trying to hear something. Teresa sniffed a littel and felt the same smell. But to her it was a known smell. Just as she was gonna pull you back, curiosity got much better rof you and made you take a brave step forward.
Frypan noticed you and Teresa, quickly turning to give some light but a disgusting discovery came with it.

Teresa pulled you back and made all the boys jump as a crank appeared as the light hit him. His eyes looked lost, black greenish veins covering him as the cranks the other night, he tried to reach you but he was restrained by a chain attached to a collar, keeping him back.
You and Teresa jumped as more and more cranks seemd to wake up at the light. Thomas quickly grabbed Teresa and pulled her back, her pulling you with her. All the boys surrounded the two of you in a circle, along with Chuck.
"Woah wow woah!" Thomas jumped as more cranks were behind you all. You then revised something, they were chains, all of them, so why be afraid when none of them seemd to be able to reach you guys.
"Guys, they can't reach us!" You said so they all would hear and went to get out from the circle the boys keept you and Teresa in.
"No, no Missy! Bloody hell." Newt pulled you back in tye circle again.

The creaking of a door opening across the building caught all of your attention. Still jumping a littel and looking around hectically as the cranks continued to try and reach all of you. Light came from the door as all of you looked over, a girl stood in the opening. Her hair short cut, she started to walk towards all of you who still stood tightly together, it seemd as if the cranks were chains just so the girl could walk between the without getting attacked or even touched by them.
"Awesome!" Chuck breathed as he looked at the girl, she walked without any fear in her eyes and confident was clear in her body language.
"Stay back!" Minho told the girl as she closed in on all of you, Newt had without thinking been able to wrap his arm behind him so he stood kinda in front of you. The girl sighed and stopped, he lips forming an 'O' shape as she let out a breath, taking in how all of you looked.
"You guys look like shit." Even though she didn't smile or anything, it sounded as if she smirked a littel.

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