Chapter 36 "A place for them"

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Teresa and Thomas sat on to of the burning building. Flames surrounding them. Orange tones lighting up the city as building after building was on fire. Teresa cradled Thomas head against her chest. His hands pressing onto the gunshot wound on his stomach. This was it, he wouldn't be able to save his own life and not even the girl he loved? He'd not been able to save you nor Newt, and now the others were gonna have to live with the fact that not only two, but four of their friends died. Thomas was not scared to loose his life, but Teresa was the last of his loved once he needed to save. If only she was safe, he could die a happy man, spending an eternity with you, Newt, Alby, Clint, Jeff and all the other he'd lost. His parents, he could atleast watch over his friends from up there. But he did not want to loose another loved one. Thomas breathing was unsteady and he knew it, the crackling of the fire moved with Teresa's small whimpers, scared to die, mixed all together.
That until they heard something familiar. The sound of a W.C.K.D aircrafts.
Teresa turned her head quickly, Thomas sat up slightly, wincing from the pain.

And there indeed they saw the aircraft rose up, the flames right where it rose from all separated. Giving a clear and safe way to jump in the aircraft. On tte wharf they saw Minho, Gally and Vince. All three of them yelling for tge two to hurry. Teresa, filled with determination and her fight or flight instinct to fight kicked in, giving her the power to stand up. She wrapped and arm around Thomas, his legs were not gonna give him the power to stand all on his own and Teresa knee that, but nonetheless she started to slowly get over to the edge of the roof. They both groaned and huffed. Thomas suddenly stumbled and Teresa did not say a word except lifting him up again. Debris started to fall of the nearby building, made Teresa turn her head for a split second. She knew if more fell off that building would be the death of them.
Jorge fought the system to get closer as everything in the cockpit told him not to. Vince and Minho both sat down and reached out for them. Trying to grab them both.

"Come closer!" Teresa yelled as she held up Thomas. They yelled for Jorge to close up and he complied. Doing as told. The aircraft slowly closed up and just as Teresa was about to throw Thomas over to the boys another grenade launcher shot I to tge building tagt was already at the verge of collapsing. A larger pice of tye building fell off, making the ground rumble. Teresa pulled Thomas back up and Jorge backed up once more.
"Come on reach!" "Reach!" Minho and Vince yelled as they held their hands out for Thomas who slowly put his hand out. In a matter of seconds Teresa threw Tgima sover the edge with all her willpower. Minhi and Vinc ecatching him and pulling him up the aircraft.
"Your turn Teresa!" Minho called for her.
The building suddenly cracked behind her and the whole building collapsed. Teresa fell to the ground and Thomas eyes widened.
"Teresa!" He called, she slowly stood up. Brenda called for Jorge to back up and he did as told once more.
Teresa looked down at tge roof scared the up when she saw how close they had gotten.
"Come on Teresa!" Brenda scremed, and then she leaped. Feeling weightless for a second before hands grabbed deer and pulled her up the aircraft.

It was all an blurr. Thomas was passed put the second Teresa landed in the aircraft. But just as she did the W.C.K.D building collapsed. Teresa remembered one second getting looked dover by Brenda and the other she said something that max the whole aircraft to fall silent.
"Where's (y/n) and Newt?" She asked as she had been able to make out that none of them were there.
"Come on." Gally spoke and motioned towards the upper part of the aircraft. Teresa slowly took up and gave edge others confused glances. Wlaking up the stairs she was meet by the immunes who'd been captured by W.C.K.D. All of them looked at her, some of them sat hugging ecah other and others were talking. She glanced over at Gally who motioned towards a separate room in the aircraft. He took in an unsteady breath. Opening the door for Teresa. She walked inside and almost fell to the time as she saw what was on the floor. Tears started to build up in her eyes as she walked inside.

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