Chapter 8 "Want us to get out"

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It had been three days, seventy-two hours, since you injected Alby. He was starting to get better, the black veins covering his body had started to retract, slowly. Alby had been muttering word while sleeping and but overall he seemd to get better. But God did it take time.
You had been watching him everyday, making sure he was getting better.
For the last three days you'd dream after dream, all of them including the blond boy as usual and also Thomas, Minho, Alby and the girl Teresa. You had started to put together that it was memories as all of the dreams felt way to familiar.

Newt had for the last few days keept close to you. Even thought you and Minho, well, kinda had something going on he wanted to keep trying. Something he noticed was that everyday when Minho came back from the maze it was tye only time if the day you saw him. Which was about four hours a day.
Newt had been told that tye other gladers had woken up by thuds from your hut at night, like objects fell to the ground. It made him curious, you'd told him about the fact that your dramas were probably memories and in most of them this boys was in. Eveeytime you explained the boy and your relationship in your memories it seemd like the two of you were important to each other.

Minho, who were out running everyday tried to make sure you knew he like you. He would kiss your lips once he found you everyday. He would make sure to have an arm wrapped around you as much as he could. But what bothered him the most was that a) everyday Jake reminded him of the bet, b) when ever he found you you were always around Newt. He knew Newt and you always had had a close friendship since he came up the box but it really bugged him as Newt also liked you.
And what Newt had said to him. He'd break you? Yeah maybe if you got to know about the bet, but if not he could finally be with you..

Newt laid in his hammock. He was about to get up to breakfast. He'd chosen to sleep in a littel. He looked up at the ceiling of his hut, thinking. What the hell was that dream of his? It felt strange. Who was that girl who he seemd to be so close with?
A loud thud coming from where tour hut was grabbed his attention. He lifted his head and looked confused. He stood up from the hammock. Stretching he walked out the hut to see many of the boys already awake. He took and quickly glanced into Minho's hut to see if he was still there, but he wasn't. Like usual.

Newt opened the door into your hut. He was met the sight of you deep asleep. But what caught his attention was not you sleeping but your small mirror that you'd keept to yourself, floating, in the air. He then looked at the ground to see a box laying on the ground. Newt recognized the box as your box where you usually kept your favorite items. Some of them laying on the ground. A bracelet that Chuck made you, a photo of you and Alby, the camera that came up the box a few months ago and then there was a necklace that was way to recognizable for Newt. The one he'd given you about two years ago. Newt kneeled down and picked up the things, putting them back in the box, then back up at chair in your hut.

You rolled around in your hammock and Newt couldn't help but smile. Then you started to mumble thing that were complete gibberish. But he could make out something from it all.
"No Teresa I won't tell blondie in some time,... shut up" You mumbled as Newt sat down on the ground next to you. He frowned, confused and curious who this 'blondie' was, it was something you called him. And who the hell was Teresa.
"Love? Love, wake up." Newt shook you carefully, knowing not much was needed to wake you.
"W-what?" You opened your eyes, confused. Newt smiled a littel at your snuggled down form.
"Why was your mirror floating?" Newt asked you.
"Not again.." You muttered and sat up. Rubbing your eyes.

"What do you mean?"
"Well, Jeff told me he woke up to something falling to the ground and apparently my powers some how just made things float while I was sleeping." You explaind to him before yawning.
You then thought for a second. Looking up at Newt a littel.
"Is Minho here? I wanna talk to him." You frowned a littel, causing Newt to feel bad. He'd understood you really liked Minho, but he just wasn't there.
"Sorry love but he left already" Newt said in a apologetic tone, almost as if it was his fault. A sigh escaped your mouth, you slouched back in your hammock.
"You can tell me if you want..?" Newt's idea made you shoot up from your hammock, looking at him like no one ever listened to your problems.
"You know I've told you 'bout that boy in my dreams?" Newt nodded and just listened closely. Like normal you, without knowing, started to play with Newt's fingers, which made him smile.
"Well those dreams haven't stopped and I really think it's memories. Both Minho, Alby, Thomas and some girl named Teresa has been in my recent once" Newt looked at you. "And then there's this boy, I don't know how he looks except for blind hair. He seems so nice though and... I liked him"

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