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How can something so wrong, feel so right?

- " Catch me Falling" by Toni Gonzaga


"Are you sure?" Aris asked hesitantly, not wanting him to feel like he had to tell her.

He nodded, still not looking up from his fingers.

"The reason I waited so long to tell you was because I was worried you'd think differently about me. It's also a memory that holds a lot of guilt within it, so I don't exactly enjoy reminiscing back, let alone talking about it." He explained.

"I'm not gonna think differently about you Edward, no matter what it is." Aris assured him.

"I wouldn't say that quite yet if I were you." He chuckled.

Aris placed her hand on top of his comfortingly, causing him to finally make eye contact with her.

"Edward, whatever it is, I'm sure you have a good explanation for it." She consoled.

"There is an explanation, that's for sure," Edward nodded, "but that doesn't necessarily mean it makes up for, or nearly justifies it."

Aris waited patiently as Edward thought through how he wanted to go about this.

He eventually thought of the words he wanted to say, looking into her eyes which were full of curiosity.

"Have you ever heard of a singer in the vampire world?" He asked, causing her to shake her head no, "well, a singer for a vampire is the one human in the world who's blood smells better than anyone else's to that specific vampire. We all have one, and the chances of you being on the earth at the same time and in the same place as yours is nearly impossible." He explained.

Aris nodded, following along easily.

"The few vampires who have ever crossed paths with their singers are considered very lucky. However, for animal blood drinkers like my family and I, it would be a nightmare. No one has ever resisted their singer's blood, that we're aware of, so if an animal blood drinker were to cross paths with their singer, they'd most certainly break their streak of living on animal blood by drinking their singer's blood," he continued, "and I happened to cross paths with my singer, so you can imagine how that ended."

Aris's eyes went wide with realization as she understood.

"Edward, that's not your fault. Like you said before, it's pretty much impossible to resist your singer's blood." She assured him.

"I appreciate that, and everyone's told me the same thing, but that doesn't lessen the shame of it, especially because the girl I killed was so young, and so innocent," he explained shamefully, "anyways, the reason I was so rude to you that night was because you reminded me so much of her. You have the same eyes as she did, you're the same age, and I can't read your mind, just like I couldn't read hers."

Aris was taken aback by this, as she'd never heard of that happening with a human.

"I was happy to move here, because it would be a fresh start, but then within the first few months of us living here, I'd already met someone, you, who reminded me so much of what I was trying to start over from." He finished, looking back down at his hands again.

"Edward, I don't think any differently of you, I promise. Please stop beating yourself up over it, you can't change what's been done, and I'm sure anyone would've done the same in your position." She comforted softly.

"But what if I could've resisted? If I could've just resisted long enough to run away, or, or-" he was cut off by his breath hitching in his chest. It had been so long since he had talked about the incident, and the guilt was resurfacing stronger than ever. It was overwhelming and all consuming as he struggled to catch his breath, his eyes stinging. Vampires couldn't cry, but this is the closest they got.

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