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Yoongi sat by a chair, his legs tucked up underneath him as he stared outside. "Yoongi? Do you want anything to eat? I can make you some soup." Yoongi shrugged, silently continuing to stare out the window. He laid his head on his knees, watching the sunset, "Does he know I'm here?" Yoongi looked over at Jimin, a sad smile on his face, seeing the male wince at the sight.

"Yoongi-" "It's okay Jimin. I'm not mad.. I just feel numb right now. I'm not hungry. I think I'll just lay down." Jimin sighed, nodding softly, "Please call me if you need anything." Yoongi nodded as he watched Jimin leave the room, letting his smile drop as he hastily wiped away a tear. He let out a shaky breath, moving to his feet, the oversized shirt hanging off his now thin frame. He crawled under the covers, staring at the window once more, pulling the cover over his head and turning away from it.

Taehyung was boiling with rage, his mind calm as it made a plan as he snuck up behind a guard, sinking a knife between the guard's ribs and twisting it easily. He let the body drop, taking the male's gun. He sighed as his phone had ringed, looking down at it to see an unknown number. He answered it easily, sticking it in his pocket when he put in a headphone.

"Mr.Kim. Woozi said you'd most likely come for the pet. If you are wondering, I don't have him. It seems like he ran away." Taehyung was silent, making a makeshift silencer. "You know Tung. I'm not a man of many words when it comes to Yoongi but," Taehyung looked around the corner, seeing two guards at the entrance, "I think I'll enjoy killing you than when I killed Woozi."

Jimin sat at the kitchen table, tapping it lightly before he groaned softly to himself. He moved to stand, pouring himself a glass of water. He jumped as the door opened, JeongGuk walking through the door. "Fuck JeongGuk! I thought you were- Wait. Aren't you supposed to be with Taehyung?" "Wanted me here," JeongGuk said shortly, taking a chair and setting it in the hall before he sat down in it, pulling his gun out from his waistband, "Yoongi eat today?"

Jimin was confused, shaking his head, "No. What are you doing?" "Don't worry about it." Jimin frowned slightly, "JeongGuk, seriously. What's going on? I'm out of the loop on everything." "Taehyung is on a rampage at Tung's. I'm simply here because he told me to come." Jimin bit his lip as he looked at his cup of water. What the fuck was going on?

Yoongi screamed as he was shaken awake, trying to fight his way free from whoever was grabbing him. "Yoongi!! Yoongi, open your eyes!!" Yoongi's eyes shot open, a messy haired Jimin coming into focus. Yoongi let out a sob, Jimin only climbing into bed to let Yoongi cling to him. "I-I don't want to have anymore dreams about it J-Jimin," Yoongi choked out, Jimin only rocking them back and forth softly.

"I know Yoongi. Calm down, I'm here for you. Okay? Please don't panic." Yoongi sucked in a deep breathe, trying to match his breathing to Jimin's, "S-Sorry if I w-woke you up ag-again." Yoongi was only shushed softly, clinging onto Jimin tighter as the male's fingers ran through his hair, rubbing his scalp softly. "Try and get some more sleep Yoongi."

Taehyung was in Tung's office, beaten and bruised, but still standing. Tung only sat at his desk, a smile on his face. Taehyung chuckled, rubbing his face with his free hand, "Tung. You seriously have no boundaries do you? You think I'd come up here and just shoot you huh?" Taehyung tossed the gun aside, pulling off his suit jacket and tossing it aside as well.

Tung only shrugged, "You seem like the classic fairy tails of gangsters Mr.Kim. You built it with your bare hands, you're little empire. But your little pet. There's something you don't know about him." "I already know he was part of Woozi's gang Tung." "That's not all. He's been passed around between gangs since he was a child. How do you think I've gotten him so cheap?" Taehyung's jaw clenched, making him seem like Tung had striked a nerve but Taehyung was actually starting to register the pain he was in, the adrenaline starting to ween off slightly.

"Tung. I don't have time for stories." Tung only sighed, moving to his feet as he too, removed his suit jacket, rolling up the cuffs of his shirt, "Careful Mr.Kim. Falling in love with a simple whore will be your biggest downfall."

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