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Yoongi cried out, landing on the floor, Woozi sighing out, rubbing his face. "Listen Yoongi, you need follow rules. Tung wrote these down for you to follow. I need you to follow them before he comes to pick you up. He paid me a lot of money so why can't you just follow them?!" Yoongi only cried quietly, his cheek throbbing from Woozi's rings scraping his sensitive skin.

Woozi only shook his head, crouching down to Yoongi, "He's a lot worse than I am. So try following the rules yeah? 8, go get Chen. His best friend is hurt and make sure to get him to eat. Tung wants him to be at a healthy weight so I one at the airport suspect anything."

Taehyung nodded, shaking the hand of Yoongi's advisor, leaving the office. "It's been two weeks," JeongGuk mumbled, Taehyung nodded. "Two weeks too long. Come on." Taehyung walked out of the building, Jimin flirting with two university boys (who barely looked 20). "Just call me and I'll come right away yeah? Bye!" Taehyung only stared at Jimin, who groaned. "Hoseok's being stubborn. Leave me alone." Taehyung hummed, looking at Jimin for a moment, freely touching the male, "You're gaining weight good. Maybe it's your bright ass hair." Jimin swatted Taehyung's hair away from him, "Shut up. Should I dye it red then? Kookie, what do you think?" Jungkook shrugged, scrolling through his phone, "Whatever you can pull off Jimin."

Taehyung looked up as the two started to bicker, seeing Namjoon walking to the university quickly, his head held down, SeokJin trying to talk to the male frantically before Namjoon shoved the male, too far away for Taehyung to hear anything but close enough for Taehyung to see the bruises on Namjoon's face. "He's gone. Not like we could do anything if we wanted." Taehyung looked to his side, seeing Jungkook look at them as well as Jimin. "But we have to try! He's you're best friend-" "No! You don't get to pull that card after Woozi did this to me! Yoongi just kept his head down!! He's not my friend! That wasn't Yoongi!!" Taehyung held his hand up, stopping Jimin from saying anything. "Jimin, how fresh do those look?" "A day." Taehyung rolled his shoulders, walking up to the duo, "You saw Yoongi yesterday?"

Namjoon jumped before he scowled, "Go away. I'm done with the whole thing. With you, those two, Hoseok, Yoongi and him! My best friend let me get beat up and didn't do anything!! He didn't even look up!!" Taehyung looked at Namjoon, tilting the male's head, "He was sold. Chen just told me." "W-What-" Taehyung only left the duo, SeokJin grabbing his arm, "Taehyung, what are you getting ready to do?" Taehyung only shook SeokJin's arm off, "I'm going to save my boyfriend."

Yoongi sat on the plane with Tung, Tung talking in Vietnamese with someone, bowing at a stewardess giving him two cups of tea. Tung sat them on his tray, pulling out Yoongi's before setting one of the cups on it. Yoongi said nothing, taking the cup and taking a small sip, wincing as the hot liquid stung the cut on his lip. Tung hung up, sliding the phone in his pocket, "You should be glad I'm keeping you for myself and not putting you in one of my brothels like I originally planned. Woozi convinced me otherwise." "I am. Thank you.." Yoongi whispered, Tung only setting his hand on Yoongi's thigh, watching a short movie.

Yoongi restrained a sigh, looking out the window again, the clouds floating by slowly. "Why are you wearing a dress?" Yoongi jumped slightly, looking in front of him, a small little girl looking at him over the seat, causing him to look over at Tung who gave him a subtle nod. "C-Cause it's soft." The little girl only gasped, "Are you a princess?" Yoongi gave a small smile, "I might be. But I'm going to another country to look for my crown because I misplaced it." The little girl awed softly, "I hope you find it soon!! Maybe we'll see each other and then you'll have your crown again and then we could play!!" Yoongi patted the little girl on the head, "Alright. Maybe we could." "My name is Lee May! My number is-" "May, my name is Yoongi. I'm sure I won't need your personals because I'm a princess remember?"

May gasped as she nodded, giggling out. "You could be a princess in my book but you'd be the prettiest..," May whispered out, Yoongi blushing slightly, nodding. "Turn and sit down okay May? If we see each other after getting off, I'll give you a big hug okay?" May nodded, sitting down and tugging on her mother's arm. Yoongi let his smile drop, Tung removing a head phone, "You'll be able to give a her hug." Yoongi nodded, "Thank you Tung.."

Taehyung stood in Woozi's place, Jungkook punching a male repeatedly, Jimin trying to pull Jungkook off. "You really do mean business I suppose." Taehyung looked up at Woozi, the male drinking a cup of dark liquor. "Woozi, where is he?" Woozi shrugged, "Gone. Has been for," Woozi looked at his Rolex, "10 hours." Taehyung gritted his teeth, "Where did he go?" Woozi shrugged again, yelping out when Taehyung's bullet grazed his ear. "I'm not playing cat and mouse with you Woozi. Where. Is. Yoongi." Woozi finished his cup, slamming it down, "I'm taking my answer to my grave."

Taehyung didn't blink, shooting Yoongi between the eyes, whipping around, his barrel pressed to Chen's forehead who held his hands up in surrender. "What?" "Y-Yoongi! I-I don't know where he was going but I followed Tung and Yoongi!! They went to the airport!! That's all I know I swear!" Taehyung studied Chen for a moment, lowering his gun, "You and Jungkook are coming with me. Jimin, you're getting on another plane. I'm calling Hoseok."

Hoseok shook his head, "This is highly fucking illegal. Really fucking illegal." Hoseok muttered, the five of them  spread out in the airport, Jimin sitting next to him. "Yeah well, it's for Yoongi," Jimin muttered, Hoseok's laptop beeping. "Fuck me. Hold on, we're going to a detour," Hoseok muttered, muting his laptop, pulling up at horse racing website, airport security walking into the lounge. "Have you been made?" Jimin asked, Hoseok shaking his head. "I chose right here because there's plenty of people on their laptops. They don't know who it is. Never said it was going to be a piece of cake. Keep an eye out for me."

Hoseok began typing away, Jimin casually looking around, "Guard twelve o'clock. Another at 3. Others are too spread out for me to look for without being suspicious." "He got on plane three..going to..come on.." Hoseok muttered, pausing before he shut his laptop, a plane telling that a plane was boarding. "That's us. Let's go." "Hoseok, we don't have tickets to that plane!" "We do now. Just flash your passports. A friend owes me a favor." "Get that Taehyung?" "Yeah, We're heading to the gate now." "Hoseok-" "We're heading to a different plane right?" Jimin only sighed, following Hoseok to different gate, "Yeah.."

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