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Taehyung sat at his desk, his legs splayed out as he was eyeing the skyline. "Min Yoongi." Taehyung turned around, Jimin with an open file in his hand as he held up a photo of a male that looked familiar. "What?" Taehyung asked, Jimin walking up the two stairs to Taehyung's desk, laying the photo down, "Min Yoongi. So, I think he's our lover boy." Taehyung picked up the photo before putting it in the shredder, "Highly doubt that. Only because one, I've never seen him up close. Two, he looks incredibly different." "Look Taehyung, it's the only Min Yoongi in all of Seoul. Just ask lover boy where he's from and I guarantee he'll say he's from Daegu," Jimin said, snapping the file closed before he put it through the shredder as well. "His private life isn't my business but," Taehyung turned back to the skyline, "I do plan on buying him." "What do you mean?" Taehyung merely shrugged, "I just plan on buying him." "Oh, Taehyungie..what are we going to do?"


Taehyung sighed boredly, twirling in his chair, "And this is Taehyung he'll be- TAEHYUNG!" Taehyung jumped in his chair, scowling at SeokJin, "What?" "This young, hands- um, this young man would like a tattoo his friend here has picked out for him," SeokJin said, gesturing to a male Taehyung recognizes from the club. "Where's his friend?" Taehyung asked, standing before he started to set up his things. "Ouch Yoongi!" "Here," SeokJin said, setting down a sketch that JeongGuk had drew up some months ago. "Nammie, I really think you shouldn't get this. You're in a depressing mood and-" "Yoonie, I'm really not in your mood to hear your psychological study stuff." Taehyung only chuckled, tracing the sketch carefully, "At least he's not drinking his life away like half my-" "They probably only did cause you're tracing really slow." Taehyung only turned to his client, "I can also fuck up your tattoo." "Oo~ get served Nammie." Taehyung only turned, much to his dismay, his client's friend has a black face mask over his face along with a bucket hat with his bangs barely showing his eyes. Taehyung only studied the boy's outfit, the large hoodie practically swallowing him up, a pair of leggings covering his legs while his feet supported a pair of black timberlands, "And you are?" "Oh my god, can you just trace my tattoo before I chicken out of this and stop eye raping my friend?" Taehyung only chuckled as he nodded, JeongGuk suddenly walking in. "Taehyung, I need you to- oh nevermind. I'll just wait." "Can I ask you a question?" "Oh god Yoongi, please don't do your study here." "Would you kill someone for your friend without any question why?" Taehyung turned to the guy in the chair, "Where do you want it?" "My ribcage." "That's a dumb fucking decision for your first tattoo kid." "Fuck you and give me my fucking tattoo fuckface." "I would. Without a doubt, no questions asked." "Oo~ Nammie, this is one is the keeper for all my questions." "I bit preoccupied right now Yoonie." "Alright, I'm starting."


6 hours later, 3 mental breakdowns from his client, 479,564.00 ₩ along with a 71,937.00 ₩ tip in his pocket, he closed the shop with JeongGuk by his side. "What do we do know JeongGuk.." "I don't understand?" JeongGuk asked, raising a brow. "About that client's friend." "He was dressed in black and called me interesting when I answered questions for him." "Hm, maybe..," Taehyung said, walking backward as he turned to face him, "Got a cig?" JeongGuk simply pulled out a pack, handing a cigarette to Taehyung, "I thought you quit." "I don't smoke as much I used to, only do it when formulating a plan." "Like what?" JeongGuk asked, the duo stopping momentarily on the sidewalk for JeongGuk to light Taehyung's cigarette. "Operation: Suga." "The stripper from the club?" "Him exactly," Taehyung said, blowing smoke from his nose. JeongGuk only shook his head, "Falling for a simple stripper Taehyung." Taehyung only smiled, staring up at the purple sky, "Maybe."

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