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Yoongi sat in the bath, the bathroom quiet as he could hear the others arguing. He sighed as he covered his ears, staring straight ahead at the faucet. Yoongi hadn't expected them to argue, let alone discuss about him while he wasn't in the same room. It made him feel nauseous, like he could throw up at any minute. He groaned as he pushed himself up, letting the water drain out before he started the shower. Closing his eyes as the water hit the top of his head, Yoongi allowed himself to tune everything out.

He smiled to himself as he thought back to his mother, his father there as well though everything was a blur and Yoongi couldn't make any complete details out. He frowned before he wiped his face clear, turning away as he sighed, jumping when he noticed Taehyung. The male wordlessly pulled him close, Yoongi frozen as he could only stare at the wall. "I'm sorry Yoongi." Yoongi nodded, his hands finding it's way to Taehyung's waist only to push the male back. "It's fine. Before you say anything else, can I just get these few moments to myself? I think we can talk when I get out."

JeongGuk was on the computer, though watching Hoseok type away on their laptop. "What are you doing?" "I'm getting plane tickets for all of us for tonight. Though it'll all be different flights. Taehyung did kill a man." JeongGuk glanced at his screen, "I'll be on the flight with Taehyung and Yoongi. The rest of you all can stick together." He moved to stand, walking into the kitchen where SeokJin was trying to teach Namjoon to cut an onion. "Babe the knife is upside down- Turn the onion over too. You could cut yourself."

"I work in bar for a reason Jinnie!" "Yeah well bars won't cook food for you if I'm not there. Hey Kook." JeongGuk only nodded, coming up to the duo, "What could you possibly be trying to make?" "Something rich for Yoongi. Namjoon suggested it." "But I don't know how I got roped into making it!~" Namjoon whined out, SeokJin tsking as the male had almost cut his finger off. "Maybe I should just get you a butter knife."

Yoongi sat in the plane, looking out the window as JeongGuk sat between him and Taehyung. "Yoongi, could you close the shade a bit please? I want to rest a bit," JeongGuk asked softly, Yoongi nodding. "Yeah. Sorry." Yoongi closed the shade a bit, watching the clouds pass by. He bit his lip, looking away to look over, Taehyung had a blanket over him, his eyes closed. Yoongi knew the male was awake, leaving him to lean back against his seat.

He nibbled on his lip, reaching up to press the call button for an attendant. "What are you calling them for?" Yoongi jumped, looking over at JeongGuk, the male staring right back at him. "Tea. I'm thirsty." JeongGuk hummed, leaning back in his seat, closing his eyes once more, "Ask for a soda. I don't trust water on airplanes." Yoongi cracked a small smile, "You don't trust anything huh?" "I trust you," JeongGuk said, adjusting his headphones, "And I don't trust anyone easily."

"What can I get for you sir?" "Um, can I get a bottled water and a tea bag please?" "Of course. I'll be right back." Yoongi gave a slight smile to the flight attendant, his attention back on JeongGuk. "You trust the others don't you?" JeongGuk paused for a moment, "I do."

Yoongi and Taehyung sat in one of many apartments of Taehyung's, the duo backs to each other. "I had to know." "Well you do so.." Taehyung nodded, "I'm sorry." He stood, sighing out, "Uh, clothes are in there. Bathroom over there. I'm going to the shop and the office." He watched as Yoongi nodded, picking at the sheets.

Taehyung walked over to Yoongi, kneeling in front of him, "Are you sure you'll be fine?" He kept his gaze locked with Yoongi, the male silent for a few moments. There was a clock ticking in the background,  the faint noise of the city many floors below. His arms wrapped around Yoongi's waist as the male had leaned in, their lips locking in a heated kiss. Taehyung stood, Yoongi's legs locking around his hips as he did so.

He snapped from his senses, laying Yoongi on the bed before he pulled away. He sat his hand on Yoongi's chest, "Not now. Not yet Yoongi." Taehyung pressed a kiss to male's forehead, "I'll be back in a few hours."

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