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Yoongi sat in the living room, curled up in the recliner. He had help from JeongGuk, the male returning with a blanket to drape over him. Yoongi only curled up with it, his eyes fluttering closed as it had smelled of Taehyung. He flinched slightly when JeongGuk merely patted his head. "Can I get you something to eat Yoongi?" JeongGuk asked, crouching down slightly. Yoongi bit his lip, "C-Can I just get some orange juice..? I don't think I'll be able to keep anything down.."

JeongGuk nodded, standing up fully before he walked to the kitchen. Yoongi's gaze settled on the blanket, not sure on what to do. He didn't have much time to wonder before JeongGuk came back with the glass of orange juice. "Here. Yoongi..do you want to see Taehyung?" Yoongi took the glass, looking up JeongGuk before he subconsciously rubbed his arm where the tattoo was, the long sleeved shirt hiding the bandage. "I don't know..would he even care anymore? I just..I've been trying to survive and I didn't expect to fall in love with him. Do..Do you think he loves me too..?" Yoongi watched as JeongGuk had merely crouched, his eyes glancing at Yoongi's arm.

"I believe that's a question for Taehyung. But yes, I do believe he loves you. He may not shower you in riches and jewels because he values you. I think he doesn't because well, you can't buy someone else's love." JeongGuk took back the glass, setting it aside before he grabbed Yoongi's wrist, "Let me see it." Yoongi's vision had grown blurry, letting the tears fall freely, "H-He'll get made once he lo-looks at it.." He complied nonetheless, letting his arm slide from the sleeve as the shirt had rested on his shoulder, JeongGuk adjusting the blanket for him.

He watched as JeongGuk had undone the bandage, the male silent as he looked at it, the tattoo having been burned off his skin. "It looks infected slightly Yoongi. I'll go get some cream. Stay here and let it breathe for a bit." Yoongi nodded, watching JeongGuk leave. "I'm sorry Tae.."

Taehyung was worse for wear, Tung long dead but he was still abusing the corpse, his rage set only punishing the male further. He only stopped when his wrist was grabbed, grabbing a gun before he pointed it at Jimin, the male's eyes wide. "Woah.. calm down Taehyung.. I think he's very much dead," Jimin said softly, taking the gun from Taehyung, "You look pretty fucked up." He only shrugged, staggering to his feet, "I'm seeing Yoongi. I have questions and I need them answered."

"I don't think-" "I don't give a fuck about what you think Yoongi needs right now. You've handled him like broken glass enough." He walked away after jerking his hand free, his shoulder bumping into Hoseok's roughly. He went outside, breathing in deeply, looking at his hands. Taehyung loved Yoongi but he still only knew a fraction of the male's past, grabbing Jimin's shoulder. "I want that file."

Yoongi jumped when the door slammed open, JeongGuk covering Yoongi's frame as he had gotten a text from Jimin. "Move JeongGuk." "I won't do that," JeongGuk said calmly, not flinching as Taehyung held a gun to his chest, clinking the safety off. "Move." Yoongi grabbed JeongGuk's wrist, "I-It's okay JeongGuk.." JeongGuk eyed at Taehyung, the male pulling the hammer back on the gun, moving out of the way slightly. Yoongi jumped as a file was slammed in his lap, looking at it with wide eyes as he was confused.

"Taehyung..?" "How many other groups?" Yoongi shook his head, slightly confused, "W-What?" "Tae, Tung could've been lying-" "HOW MANY OTHER GANGS YOONGI?!" Yoongi jumped, his breathing picking up as he shakily opened the file, "I-I don't know- What are you talking about?!" Yoongi could feel his chest tighten as he felt like he couldn't breathe. "Taehyung, quit it! You-" "Jimin, shut-" "M-My mom..s-she gave me to a g-gang when I w-was little.." Yoongi whispered out meekly, "All f-for drugs and to cl-clear her debt.." Yoongi threw the file across the room, screaming out, "Are you happy now?! Glad I told you the truth?!"

Yoongi pushed himself to his feet, stripping himself from the clothing and the blanket. "Yoongi, calm down," Hoseok rushed out, trying to grab Yoongi's hands before the male pushed him away. "Leave me alone! This is what I suffered with!!" He ripped the bandages off his arm, showing the burn along with the bruises and cuts on his frame. "You think I went to every gang like I wanted to? Cause I enjoyed it?!" JeongGuk only picked up the blanket, wrapping it around Yoongi, "Come on. Let's get you in the bath Yoongi."

Yoongi only wiped his face, letting a sigh leave his body, "I'm tired of running Taehyung. I thought you would at least be different to me."

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