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How Yoongi came from talking to Taehyung, drinking in the living room and then at a club with Jimin, he didn't know nor did he want to. He danced against Jimin, feeling the bass thump out, moving his hips to the song. Yoongi was drunk, more like shitfaced. But it wasn't going to stop him from having a good time.

Something he needed.

Something he craved.

"Yoongi, I'm getting us another drink! Will you be okay?!" Jimin yelled over the music, Yoongi only nodded, Jimin pushing his way through the crowd. Yoongi mainly vibed with himself, a group of girls surrounding him. "Hey! Just to let you know, there's some guy in the VIP section practically eyeing you down!"

Yoongi snorted, looking to where the girl pointed at, squinting as his vision was blurry. He let out a high pitched giggle, noticing JeongGuk's now blue tinted hair. "That's my friend! I know him! You guys wanna dance with me til my friend gets back?!"

It took a while but Jimin finally got the male in the SUV but now they were on the side of the road, Yoongi puking his guts out. Jimin flinched with disgust, Yoongi's puke covered hand grabbing his shirt. "Let's go to another club."

"Yoongi, you're clearly drunk. I doubt they'll let you in if we go to another." Yoongi hummed, sighing out as he stood up straight. "JeongGuk! Let's go to another club!" Jimin sighed, at least glad he kept a change of clothes on him. "Let's get freshened up in the car."

Taehyung was watching the news, on the phone with JeongGuk. "Just make sure he doesn't get alcohol poisoning. I can hardly imagine our talk was in the least bit delightful."

"He's drinking water at the moment. Jimin, he's wondering off." Taehyung sighed, crossing his legs, "Call me if anything changes." "Got you. Yoongi, let's go dance!"

JeongGuk only held Yoongi close to him as Yoongi jumped around on the dance floor, a heavy EDM song blasting through the speakers of the club, not knowing how Jimin could fall asleep in the VIP section when the music was just as loud. "JeongGuk!! Come on!! Jump with me!!" JeongGuk sighed, Yoongi grabbing his hands, the smaller male squealing out with happiness when JeongGuk complied.

JeongGuk merely cracked a small smile, he merely twirled Yoongi , the male giggling out drunkenly. "Yoongi! Are you ready to go home?" Yoongi pouted, "Don't want to..Talked with Taehyung." JeongGuk only led the male off the dance floor, sitting the male down, forcing him to drink some water before he sat Jimin up.

"You can't run from it forever. Come on. We need to get you something to eat if I don't want you throwing up in the elevator."

Yoongi leaned in the corner of the elevator, eating a bag full of fries before the elevator had dinged to a stop. He typed in the code, making it weird how the elevator would stop at the penthouse but wouldn't open the doors unless you had a code. He sighed out, the doors sliding open before he stepped out. He pushed the door open, making sure to close and lock it behind him.

He kicked his shoes off, eating more fries before tugging his shorts off. He hummed, walking over to Taehyung and sitting beside him. "You smell like you had a good time." "I won't enjoy it in the morning. Want some?" Yoongi asked, Taehyung declining with a small shake of his head. The male only shrugged, eating more fries.

The duo was silent, watching the news before Yoongi tossed the bag on the coffee table. "It was hard opening up to you.." "I know. It was hard opening up to you too." Yoongi nodded, groaning out as he moved to stand, "I'm going to shower and see if I can sober up more." "I'll be in bed in a few."

Yoongi groaned, rolling away from the sunlight, cursing the automatic shades. "Tae, the shades.." "Hm? Jesus Christ, it's bright." Yoongi squinted, his head throbbing, looking at the windows before reaching over Taehyung to search for the remote for the shades, "Where's the remote?" "I don't know. Check your side." "It's not on my side dipshit." "It has to- Ugh, move."

"I got it. It was in your drawer," Yoongi mumbled, pointing the remote behind him before pushing the down button, the shades moving down half way, making Yoongi sigh out. "That's better." "I still have no idea had to turn that off." Yoongi only giggled, wincing when he felt a throb in his temple. "It's fine. Otherwise, how would you get to work on time?" "Good thing I have you hm?"

Yoongi moved back when Taehyung leaned in for a kiss, patting Taehyung's bare chest, "Breath stinks. I'm gonna shower and get ready. Promised Namjoon that I'd go shopping with him." Taehyung hummed, "Shopping? This early?" "Well, I was hoping I wouldn't be alone in the bathroom."

Taehyung was staring out at his office window, JeongGuk and Jimin arm wrestling. "I don't like it." Taehyung heard a dull bang, Jimin hissing out. "About what?" JeongGuk asked, humming out. Taehyung turned around in his chair, looking at the duo. "Yoongi. We talked, he went out and we had sex this morning," he drummed his fingertips on his desk,

"That doesn't strike you two as odd behavior?" "Mmm..now that you mention it, Yoongi has been acting odd. He got his nipples pierced, was practically shitfaced," Jimin said, listing off reasons. "Not to mention, he made me dance with him while you were passed out. Namjoon said that Yoongi doesn't drink often to even get drunk. Tipsy maybe. But never drunk that he can't stand."

Taehyung breathed out, frustrated that he couldn't figure out anything. Why was Yoongi being strange?

"Yoongi, are you sure you're okay?" Yoongi snorted, holding a mesh top to Namjoon's chest, "Do I seem okay Namjoon?" "I'm being serious," Namjoon whined out, pushing the top away, "I'm not trying to talk or anything. I'm just worried." Yoongi sighed, hanging the top back up, "No. I'm scared."

Yoongi picked another shirt up, holding it up to Namjoon, "We talked.. I came clean about everything. From my mom to being addicted. It was a lot to unload but I didn't know it would make check out. I know it's happening and I don't stop it. What if I start using again Joonie?"

Namjoon only lightly punched Yoongi's shoulder, "You won't. You got me and Hobi. Not to mention JeongGuk and Jimin and Taehyung and Jinnie too! So," Namjoon linked his arm with Yoongi's, "Let's get real with the clothes shopping get some food after!"

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