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Yoongi only stared through the windows as he sat on the window sill, V going through paperwork. "I never knew that you were-" "Head of a 'mafia'?" V finished, turning and giving Yoongi a small smile, "I'd rather call it a family." JeongGuk entered, a detective and a police man walking in, "Detective Kim SeokJin and Chief of Police Park Jongup."

"Men, please have a seat. May I offer you anything? Whiskey, tea, water?" "Water please." V only nodded, walking to his fridge and getting two waters and setting them on coasters. Yoongi only slid off the window sill, making his way to V, who had sat on the opposite couch across the the two policemen. "Who's the boy?"

"Well, as you would call him, my pet. But this is Min," V drawled out, "But I know that is not what you are here for." "This man," Detective SeokJin laid out pictures of a man that almost seemed gutted and heavily mutated beyond recognition, Yoongi's insides starting to churn as he turned his head away, "Showed up. I heard and learned that he owed quite a lot in debts." V only spared them a brief glance, moving around, "Even if I wanted him dead, this would be overkill for me. Besides," V said leaning back, "I have more important things to deal with."

"Like what? The kid?" Yoongj turned around, "I'm not a kid." "Screwing with children now Kim?" Chief Jongup asked, ignoring Yoongi completely which only made him upset. "I SAID IM NOT A KID!!!" Yoongi shouted, "I'm not a kid. But you are acting one by continuing to-" "Min, enough," V had snapped, Yoongi only turning his head away. "He's is well within the age of consent. Now, unless you want to arrest me for a murder I haven't done, please leave."

Yoongi sighed as he was walking down the dark halls of V's office, just a few feet behind him with JeongGuk. "Aren't you supposed to be with him?" Yoongi asked softly, V stopping at the elevator and pressing a button. "You are a part of him now. Ever since that," JeongGuk said, pointing at Yoongi's covered forearm, "And since he claimed you as his." Yoongi nodded, looping his arm with V's as JeongGuk stopped him front of them, pressing the button to the lobby.

"V," Yoongi said softly, V just softly humming out. "I don't want to sleep alone." "You won't," V said softly, intertwining their hands together instead. The elevator dinged softly, the doors opening up as JeongGuk got off first, looking around briefly before nodding. V lead them out, "Don't forget to lock up Taemin." "Yes sir." "And congratulations on the engagement. Pity I couldn't be there. But I'll make it to the wedding, just remind me to give you a bonus on your next check."

"Oh, you already pay me so-" "Just as an apology for missing your engagement Taemin. Goodnight." "Goodnight Sir," Taemin said, bowing before he sat back down. V continued to lead them to a car that JeongGuk had already held the door open for them. "He seems so young," Yoongi whispered out, curling up into Taehyung.

"Only 17. Dragged into the family business but I got him a way out of it and now engaged to his high school lover. Strange how love works hm?" V said, moving Yoongi to straddle his lap as JeongGuk had got in, moving across for the duo, knocking on the one way mirror twice, the car lurching forward. "Are you saying you like me?" Yoongj asked softly, moving forward to V's face, V moving closer as well. "Maybe a little too much," V answered, their lips pressing together for a warm kiss before V had pulled away.

"And I would like to keep it that way."

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