Upcoming 57th Expedition

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Before the sun comes out, Eld, Gunther, Oluo and Petra started their way to meet Commander Erwin. There are some things to discuss that is why they are summoned by him.

Levi's POV

I immediately saw Hange flirting with Moblit as I passed the assembly room.

I've been looking for my squad but it seems that their presence is not here.

"Hey Hange? Do you see Pe-, my squad?" I asked in my normal voice. I don't want to annoy her since she is with her assistant. Tsk.

"Oh! Eh... I haven't seen them this morning." She responded.

"Yeah, you wouldn't notice them since you are busy with your lover." I thought to myself.

Since Petra's not here, I made myself a tea and enjoy it in my room.

Moments after when someone knocks on my door.

"Come in.." I responded while facing the window.

"Let's use this time to analyze your feelings.."

I turn around and saw Hange holding a small notebook and pen.

"What is it again!?" I shouted in irritation.

"I will not stop until you admit that you like her!" She shouted at me back.

I hope no one is disturb by our argument.

"Come on, Levi! Maybe it's time for you to show your true emotion! Confess to her before it's too late.." She added.

"Confess? That's nonsense.." I responded and tried to look away.

I don't know if this admiration is love or not. I want her to be happy, but I guess she will not find it with me.

"Are you holding back?" She asked.

"Maybe I am, Hange..." I answered.

"I think she likes you already... It's your chance!" She exclaimed.

"Everyone who is by my side dies." I said while I face Hange who seem concerned on what I just said.

"Let's say I like her, do you think our relationship will be allowed here? Huh, Hange?" I added.

"We never know! They might change that rules!" She defended. Trying to convince me.

"We never know because at the first place no one tried. I'm his superior." I said.

"Levi... I want you to know that I'm happy the moment that I saw how you treat her. Think thoroughly. You deserve to be happy even this world is cruel already. We don't know what might happen, but atleas-" I cut her off.

"Exactly, we don't know what might happen, I don't know if tomorrow or the other day, I will die..."

"That's why enjoy every moment with her?" She insisted.

It is already late afternoon when the 4 of the squad came back.

Levi was about to approach Petra, but she avoids his direction. Hange saw everything that happens. What is the problem?

Few hours have passed after they arrived, when Commander Erwin gathered everyone at the grounds.

Levi and Hange immediately approach Erwin as they stood in front of the other scouts.

"What is this, Erwin?" Hange asked while trying not to be obvious to the others.

"I will announce our next expedition." Erwin responded in a cold manner.

Levi suddenly gets butterflies in his stomach.

"Eh!? Why didn't you tell us first!?" Hange said.

Both Levi and Hange seemed surprised at Erwin's sudden announcement.

He didn't answer Hange, and started to speak in the crowds, as usual.

"I have an important announcement. It's been 6 months since the last expedition, today I declare that our 57th Expedition will soon commence for the next 2 months!"

After he said that, all of the scouts seemed to be nervous. Expedition doesn't mean they get to work, but it means they must battle for their lives. It is survival for the humanity.

"Expect an intense training starting tomorrow. The plan and the positions will be given this month." Erwin ended his speech and leave. The scouts saluted him as Hange and Levi followed him.

It is already late at night, Petra was still in the castle's balcony, taking some fresh air when Oluo approaches her.

He stood beside her. They are both appreciating the night sky.

"Petra..." Oluo break the silence.

"Hmm?" Petra responded and then looked at Oluo.

"I know you know that I like you since then..." Oluo said.

"After what's happening now, I can't think that matter anymore.." Petra said and had a faint smile.

"Yeah.. I know that..." Oluo responded while having his arms crossed.

"We still have a mission, and I want you to focus on that." Petra added.

"I understand... I expected that you are saying that... Heh! Mission." Oluo responded.

"Let's just survive until the end, deal?" He added.

"Deal." Petra said.


Here is the dedicated video for this chapter! Hope you like it♡

ctto YouTube channel -PUNKDOG-

All of his videos are great♡

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