What future awaits us?

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Petra woke up by the sound of knocking from her door.

"Come on in..." She responded and try to fix her messy hair.

Hange enters the room with flowers on her hands.

"Good morning, Petra!" She greeted. Petra smiled and invited her to sit.

"Ahhh! This is for you!! She exclaimed while handing me a bouquet of assorted flowers. "This is from Levi! I don't get answer from him on how your day go yesterday... Instead, he instructed me to give this to you!" She squeals.

Petra who is trying to absorb everything asked, "Uhmm... Thank you, Hange... But why did he let you do it? Where is he?"

"Ah! T-That is... He will be gone for 3 days." She explained while fixing her glasses. "Erwin needs him to polish the plan for the expedition." She added.

"Oh! I see..." Petra responded to that news.

"So... how's your date!?" She asked with excitement in her eyes.

"Heh! It was good, I guess. We board the yacht going to Mitras District.." Petra said while remembering everything.

"In Wall Sina!? I knew it! Shortie must have saved all his penny for this! That's explain why he didn't treat me and Erwin a drink before!" She spoke.

Petra let a laugh and continued their conversation.
Meanwhile, Levi arrives in Erwin's office.

"How's the training going?" Erwin asked while arranging the scattered papers on his desk.

"It's okay. Everyone is getting familiar with their positions." Levi responded.

Well, they only have 3 weeks to prepare for the expedition.
Levi was about to leave after an hour of conversation with Erwin when he suddenly said, "Everything is for the humanity, Levi."

"Huh?" Levi turns to Erwin who seem deep in his thoughts.

"Nothing. How is it going for you and Petra?" He asked.

In the HQ, everyone was having a break from the training.

Eren approach Petra. The two seems to get along well. Petra finds a little brother from Eren.

"This is for you, Petra-san!" He said while handing a water to Petra.

"Thanks!" She responded.

Eren sat beside her.

"You know, Eld, I and the others are having a conversation.."


"I want to hear it from you, are you dating Captain Levi?" Eren asked.

Petra's POV

Oh no.. My friends influenced this boy about this topic.

"Eh? What made you think that we are dating?" I asked, trying to deny everything.

"Captain treats you different from the rest of us!" He said.

I laughed to divert this topic.

"You're funny! Don't listen to that boys! He's our Captain, I'm not allowed to date him!"

He seemed to believe my strongest excuse. But after saying that, I can say truth hurts, huh?

Eld and Oluo interfere us suddenly.

"Come on inside! We have so much to talk about! Eld exclaimed.

As usual, Oluo tries to imitate Captain every time. When will he get tired?

We talked about a lot of things. Gossips about the issue's surfacing. Luckily, they didn't bring Captain Levi to our conversations.

After dinner, Eren goes already with his room leaving the four of us in the table.

"The expedition is only 3 weeks from now guys..." Oluo said. I can tell by his voice that he is nervous about it.

"Yeah..." Eld responded.

The four of us stayed silent for minutes. We don't know what future awaits us. We don't know if the mission goes well with the plan.

"You know, I didn't regret joining the Survey Corps..." Gunther breaks the silence. "Because I found brothers and a sister in you guys..." He added.

After Gunther said that, it seems Oluo's heart just melted away. His cheeks turn red, this man have some soft side too.

"Come on guys! We are not going to die!" I said to cheer them up even I know in myself that I'm not certain of that.

"After this expedition, we will make more memories!" I declare. The 3 boys in front of me projected a faint smile.

"Captain Levi wouldn't picked us for this squad if we are not strong! We can beat all the titans!" I added.

"Let's do our best! For the humanity!" Oluo cheered. He started to stand up and form a group hug.

Guys, thank you. I can't believe that our friendship grows like this. No matter what happen, we will always be together.


The expedition is near! Be ready guys!

Here is the dedicated video for this chapter!

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