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Our time has come. We sneaked out of the town and made our way back in Paradis.

We failed finding them, or maybe Erwin's plan didn't succeed.

Hange and the present Levi Squad return to the capital. They didn't try to talk to Levi since yesterday. That man must be in pain all over again after this.

Levi's POV

I thought I am prepared whatever happens. But now, I feel like I lost her again.

I am staying in my room trying to be okay. I drank 5 bottles of alcohol already hoping that I could forget everything even in a day. Talking to myself to less feel lonely.

What now, Levi? Maybe it's the right time to accept that she is gone forever. That I cannot take a glimpse of her gingered hair. I cannot see again her bright smiles and glistening brown eyes.

Her cheerful voice that calms me at the end of my work. Her presence, staying up all night for me. Her endless stories that I adored listening to. I should have told her that I love her when she was here.

I am drowning at my thoughts of her when I heard someone knocks at my door.

I didn't respond so that person enters my room already.

"Levi...." A man called my name.

I look at the direction where that man is. I bolted up my bed and fix myself in front of him.

I lowered my head, I don't want him to see me like this.

"Mr. Ral!... sorry for this so much mess in my room..." I said while trying to cover the bottles of alcohol I finished.

"Commander Hange told me that you're here... I bought you some fruits!" He said while putting it in my desk.

After I told him my relationship with Petra, we seem to get along well. He treats me as if we are now related.

"Ah... Thank you, Sir..." I responded.

"I can tell that you're drunk... Don't try to hide it... What's the matter?" He concernedly asked.

"I-uhmm.. I just try if I get drunk easily... Don't worry about it, I will not make it a hobby." I assured him. He was like a father to me as well. I thanked him for that.

After few conversations, he leaves already since it is going dark soon.

Petra, are you seeing this up there? I know you'll guide us every time. Don't worry about your father, I'll take care of him. I love you.

3 years have passed and Paradis changes so much. There are trains already used for transportation, airships, and just like Marley, their technology are getting better from their resources.

Levi continues to live and fulfil his duty to the humanity. He is the one who try to put a light in his dark world. Even if his sunlight was gone, her memories make his life bright again.

In the eye of the hurricane, there is quiet but it last for just a moment. A counterattack will soon commence.

The day comes when Eren made his way alone in Marley. Everyone was concerned about him there. An exchange of letters was done between him and the Survey Corps.

In a short notice, Eren is expecting a backup from Paradis, having a surprise attack in Marley.

In a last minutes, everyone was busy preparing everything.

Levi enters already the airship. He sat on one of the benches there and have a moment.

"I don't know what might happen. If my time is going to end there, we are uncertain. I've spent my life enough, there are some precious moments and there are some hurting. No matter what happen in this operation, I will always be grateful that I get a chance to live." He thought.

The sky gets dark as the sun goes down. They are all ready to go at enemy's territory.


Is this the end?

Here is the dedicated video for this chapter♡  I miss Petra so much in this story...

Ackkkk this really screams the feels of this chapter "Acceptance"😭

ctto YouTube channel -GTGRANDOM-

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