Is this our last mission?

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Few more hours before the sun comes out and the expedition will begin.

Petra is still wide awake in her room. It's been a week since she can't sleep properly.

She sat on her bed, spacing out. A knock suddenly brings her back to reality. She gets up and open the door. It's Levi.

Levi's POV

I decided to go to Petra's room before heading out to Erwin.

I knocked at the door and surprisingly, she opened it.

"I can't sleep all night." She said while welcomed me with an embrace.

"I told you not to worry too much.." I responded.

We entered the room before someone might see us. We sat at the edge of her bed and resume our conversation.

"You can be spared for this expedition if you are not feeling well..." I said with a concern on face.

"I told you, I'm okay!" She said while trying to prove that she really is okay.

"But you don't have enough sleep these days, Petra." I insisted.

"Humanity needs me." She responded, but this time, she is serious.

I let a small laugh. This girl really wants to make me worry. But I can't really convince her.

"Okay, you win." I said while raising my hands and laugh.

I hugged her very tight. I can't do this later since I need to be that cold captain.

"Just be careful later..." I bid my goodbye to her. The sun will soon rise up and the expedition will start.

The scouts started to line up by their horses. Petra positioned at the right side behind Levi.

As soon as the gate rises, Erwin shouted  and declare that the 57th Expedition has started.

After a long ride at the open fields where a few titans where spotted, the Levi Squad enters the forest.

Few moments after, the female titan is chasing them in a fast pace. Eren started to panic because a lot of scouts are dying just to slow down the Female Titan.

"Eren! We've already talk that you are only using that if it is really needed!" Petra shouted.

"But this is the right time!" Eren responded.

"Eren!" Petra shouted.

"I wouldn't blame you, do as your conscience dictate. You can trust yourself or depend on your comrade's decision. I don't know which way is better, I never have. Either way there is no guarantee. Choose the least thing you'll regret." Levi said.

"Eren! Trust us!" Petra shouted.

Moments after, the elite squad pass right at Erwin's position which led to capture the Female Titan.

"Get as far as you can, protect Eren no matter what! Eld, you have the command now! I'll go to Erwin!" Levi instructed while switching to ODM gear.

The squad obeyed and then celebrates because of what trap Erwin plotted.

"Don't underestimate the scouts!" Oluo shouted. He is full of himself.

After getting away, they climbed up in the trees and wait for their Captain.

Levi's POV

Erwin gives us a sign to find out who is this blonde titan. Me and Mike targets the nape. But our blades can't penetrate it. Her skin hardens every time. This woman is testing my patience. After chasing my squad, putting our lives in danger, she must pay for it.

I stood at her head. When she suddenly let out a shriek. Fuck.
Moments after, a swarm of abnormal titans attack the Female Titan. Erwin announces to defend her at all costs. They must know a piece of information from her.

But the titans are too much for the scouts to handle so they retreat. The female titan operator wasn't seen to be eaten.

Levi approach Erwin.

"I will get back to my squa-" Levi was cut off.

"Replenish your gas first." Erwin dictated.

"But it is enough for the mean time, Erwin." Levi answered.

"That is an order." Erwin insisted.

"Fine. Erwin, I'll trust your judgement." Levi said and then goes in his way.

Petra's POV

We saw a blue flare. Retreat. I helped Eren refilling his gas. I was praising him for trusting us when Oluo suddenly interfere our conversation.

"Huh? He didn't do anything to be praised, brat! We should be! We kept him safe!" He said while fixing his cravat.

"Oh please! Stop trying to be captain again!" I shouted in annoyance.

We saw green flare suddenly fired.

"It must be Captain!" Gunther said and then fired a green flare as well for him to know our location.

"Hey! Come on now! You two finally grow up! You two who pissed in their pants at their first mission!" Eld tease us.

God! I'll kill you Eld!

"AHHHH! YOU ARE MAKING EREN LOSE HIS RESPECT TO US!" I shouted in embarrassment.

"You idiot! At least I do have the highest titan kills!" Oluo defended.
The squad make their way on meeting Levi midway. A person in scouts uniform appear in their track. They thought it was Levi but as Gunther observes the figure, it isn't their Captain.

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