Officially together

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Weeks have passed, and Levi tries his best to make Petra happy just like he always does back then.

Petra's POV

I was all alone here at the assembly room. Well, Gunther and Oluo visits their families, Eld is busy preparing for his upcoming wedding with Vien, and Levi leave for his work at the capital.

I guess, cleaning is my friend for now. While sweeping the floors, I heard someone called my name. I turn around only to saw Hange who just arrived. I hugged and invited her to have a tea. We sat at the balcony, observing the nature. I miss having a moment like this with her.

"So, when are you getting married? Did Levi propose to you already?" She asked teasingly.

I laughed and said, "We are not even together!"

Her eyebrows met in disbelief, "Why? You surely missed each other so bad for the past 4 years!" She exclaimed.

"Y-Yeah... But we decided to start all over again, you know, to make sure if we still match...." I explained. "How 'bout you? What's your next plan?" I asked.

"I'm thinking of resigning as the Commander. I just want to be a at peace!" She said while fixing her glasses.

"I heard you become nurse at Marley." She added.

Well, kind of.

"Ah! Hehe... not really a nurse. I was just helping at the hospital so I know some treating stuff..." I answered while trying to hide my embarrassment.

I never thought in my life that I would be at that kind of job.

"That's good! Can you be my partner?" She asked eagerly.

"W-What partner?" I asked back.

"After my term as a Commander, I'll propose to establish an official hospital here at Paradis! With your medical experience, we can teach and learn deeper!" She proposed a plan.

Me? As a doctor?


The sun was about to go down when Eld arrives at the HQ holding some envelopes. He goes to the kitchen where his friends are.

"Oh! Eld's here!" Petra informed everyone.

"Our soon to be groom! Come on!" Oluo teased.

"I know, I know..." Eld responded while giving each of them the envelope he was holding.

"That's our invitation. Promise me that you will all come. Don't be late, huh!" He instructed.

The room was filled with silence.

Petra's POV

We are having a sudden emotional moment.

"Eld is facing a new chapter of his life..." Gunther said.

"Guys... I will not be going to somewhere far! I'm just getting married!" Eld jokingly said.

"Don't be like this when I get married, guys... You are making me cry!" Oluo said while trying to be cool.

"Stop it, Oluo. As if you are getting married!" Gunther said which makes all of us laughed.

These guys... It's been a long journey for us. We should be dead by now, but we are lucky to have a chance to live again. Thank you, Commander Erwin for trusting us and bringing a hope to the humanity.

We notice someone arrive.

"Captain!" Oluo greeted.

"Tsk... I told you, just Levi..." He responded and smile.

He joined our conversation. It feels unreal to see us like this. From being his subordinate to his literal friends.

I was left alone at the kitchen as I wash the dishes. I was about to enter my room when I thought of having a tea with Levi.

I knocked at his room and entered.

"I bought you some tea, Levi." I said while putting the cup in the center table.

I sat at the sofa and spent my time with him.

"Do you have a dress already to wear next week?" He asked.

"Ah, yes! I already bought one." I responded and he just nodded at me.

We don't have a relationship. We are just like this and I'm fine with it. But I do realize something this past few days.

He was about to said something when I cut him off. I don't want to make him wait longer.

"Let's be together again." I firmly said. I suppress my smile as I observe his reaction.

"W-What did you say?" He asked while smiling at me.

"As in a couple!?" He added.

"Yes, Levi." I responded. I laughed at him as he almost jumped around the room out of happiness.

We spend the night talking about our relationship. I feel so happy now that it is official.

The day after, we visit my father's house to tell him about us. He is so happy to see us together.

"Petra! Levi! Let's go already!" Hange shouted.

As we get downstairs, I immediately explained everything to them. "Sorry! It takes forever to have my flower arranged!"

We arrived at the chapel to see Vien and Eld wedding. Finally, my bestfriend is getting married!

"Do you want to get married tomorrow?" Levi whispers at me and then laughed. This guy likes to joke around, huh?

When Eld was saying his vows to Vien, I immediately cry. Ugh! He's my closest friend, and I know what he has gone through. I'm super happy and emotional to see him finally happy. Yesterday, we are informed that Vien is already expecting. I know Eld's going to be a great father.

Levi held my hands as the wedding ended. I know someday, I will get married too. How much tear will I spend when that time comes?

The after party was great. It was kind of a reunion, I guess. Eren and his friends are there too! I missed him so much. They are all grown up now.

We had a few drinks, but Levi seems to enjoy it.

"Levi, let's go now... you're drunk..." I reminded him almost the 5th time now.

"Let's stay a little longer, Petra." He responded.

"Maybe he needs to see me being the boss here." I thought to myself.

I whispered at him, "Let's go now or starting tomorrow you don't have a girlfriend..." I warned him.

He immediately stood up and assist me to go outside which makes me laugh.

I decided to spend our night at my father's house since it is near here than the HQ.

I assist my drunk boyfriend and lay him down in the sofa.

I was about to go in my room upstairs when he called me.



"I love you... so much..."

"I know... I'll get going now, I love you too..."

I make my way to my room. Finally, after a long day, I can lay down on my bed peacefully.

I never thought that this day would come. A life with all my loved ones around me. This is the life I dreamt of.

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