The Protector

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He ponders the title of the song. It was quite fitting as he felt an overwhelming need to protect Kelly. He had an inherent need to protect anyway but she riled those feelings up like no one else.

"You wanna go rock climbing?" he asks looking at his phone, " There's a climbing center right near the hotel."

"I'll drop you off."

He puts his phone down and gives her a look.

"Forget about us being seen in public together."

"Men and women can be friends, Kelly no one is going to assume-"

"I don't want fans trying to figure out who I am," she interrupts. "I'd like to keep my privacy. I won't say any more on the subject," she states firmly.

"Ok, fine." He was perfectly willing to put up with a bit of cabin fever to keep Kelly around. He would not risk losing her all over again. He knew there was more to her than this hostile front she was putting up. He couldn't wait to crack that and get to her juicy center- so to speak.

"If I had a guitar I would sing you some Kent songs," he says looking out the window.

"You don't know any Kent songs."

"I could learn."

"Do you even speak Swedish?"

"No, why?"

"Josh has a guitar, you should have mentioned something when we were at the house," Kelly says pulling up to the valet and handing over her keys.

In the elevator on the way up Jared says, "Josh plays guitar, huh?"

"He was in a band for years. He plays guitar, bass, drums, keyboard. And he sings."

Jared is quite surprised for some reason.

"Has he ever played a Kent song for you?"

"Yes, many times."

"Oh," Jared replies with disappointment. "Does he play any of his own music?"

"Yeah, all the time. I mean, he's not in a band anymore but he jams at home for fun. He's really good."

"Well he sounds like a fucking amazing guy," Jared says with jealous sarcasm. 

"You're one to talk, the one with the girlfriend who's a Victoria's Secret model. Wonder what she'd think about you hanging out with an old lady?"

"What old lady?"

"This one."

Jared ignores her and checks for fresh towels.  He wants nothing more than to jump in the shower with her but he thinks twice before suggesting it. If he doesn't stay on his best behavior he'll blow this whole thing. 

In the bathroom, Kelly rifles through her things. She pulls out a cone she smuggled into her bag earlier. She lights it and directs the smoke towards the fan. 

Moments later, Jared knocks on the door. 


"Open the door."

"I'm not decent," she lies.

"Are you smoking weed in there?"

"Yes," she answers honestly. She opens the door, "So?"

"So you don't have to sneak around. I don't care if you smoke, just don't hide shit from me. I want you to feel like you can trust me."

"I thought the smoke would bother you, ok? I was being courteous to your lungs."

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