The Beach

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Kelly awoke in the middle of the night. Jared was sleeping next to her instead of on the floor like usual. It was a very large bed so he was able to keep a decent distance but it was the first time he'd slept in bed. Kelly tossed and turned. She just couldn't fall back asleep. This happened to her sometimes, well, it happened pretty often actually, just not since she had been sleeping in the same room with Jared. She tried to meditate as Jared suggested. She tried to match her breathing to his calm, steady rhythm. She struggled, meditation just didn't work for her.

"Come here," Jared says sleepily. He reaches over and pulls her against him. He cuddles her gently and before she knew it she was fast asleep again.

In the morning, while they were having breakfast and as Kelly was trying to argue that she didn't want Jared always paying for food, there was a knock on the door. Jared quickly gets up to answer it. He pulls a large package into the hotel room. 

"Took them long enough, " he says opening the package and pulling out an acoustic guitar. 

He sat down and started tuning it. 

"So Josh isn't in a band anymore?"


"When was the last time he played in a band?" 

"Oh, it's been a few years now."

"Why did he quit?"

"Everyone just kinda grew up, got married, got full-time jobs, had kids, no one had time for it anymore."

Jared starts playing a song that Kelly isn't familiar with. Even though she wasn't a huge Thirty Seconds To Mars fan, she loved Jared's voice. She would listen to Mars songs she didn't like just to hear his voice. 

He played and sang for her for over an hour. Mostly Mars songs. Then he notices her, lounging on the bed with her eyes closed enjoying the music. He sets his guitar down and looks at her.

She opens her eyes. "Why did you stop?"

Jared has a very serious look on his face. For a moment, Kelly wonders if he's angry.

Without thinking about it, he lunges for her. He kisses her passionately, deeply. He grabs her with both hands and pulls her tightly against him. She kisses him back. She really does like me, he thinks to himself. He couldn't remember when he shared a kiss this passionate. Maybe never. The best part was that she was kissing him back, showing no signs of trying to stop him. 

Eventually, he regains control of himself. He releases his grip on Kelly and pauses to catch his breath. He leans his forehead against hers. 

"You didn't stop me," he whispers. 

She doesn't answer him. He looks at her but he can't read her emotion. He kisses her again, and this time he can't stop himself. He tears the fabric of her shirt, revealing her breasts. He kisses them then he bites down on the opposite side of her neck. She whimpers with pleasure again, grinding her hips into his. He tears the remains of her shirt off and rips her terry cloth shorts. His phone intrudes with a grating ring. He has to answer it; he knows it is about his plans for Kelly and Josh.

"Fuck," he whispers. "I have to get that." As he gets up to retrieve his phone, he keeps his eyes on Kelly, her clothes torn and breathing heavy. She's looking back at him and making it hard for him to gain his composure enough to answer his phone. 

"I just need to, uh, take this in here," he says closing himself off in the bathroom.

When Jared returns he is a bit disappointed that Kelly has changed out of her ripped clothes. 

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