Sleeping Arrangements

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When practice finally winds down, and Shannon and Stevie have left, Josh and Jared stay in the practice bay talking for a while. At around 4 AM, Josh says he should probably find Kelly and he grabs her camera bag that she has left behind.

"I'll help you find her," Jared says. "If I know Kelly, she's somewhere sleeping."

Josh agrees.

Jared had been intentionally vague about the sleeping arrangements when they arrived earlier that day. He knew he could keep Josh up way past Kelly's bedtime. He was hoping he'd leave Josh in some bedroom somewhere and then find her.

They walk through the excessively large compound, peeking in this room and that, all the while bonding over what a great practice they just had, how great they sounded together. About 10 minutes into the search-and-compliment-each-other Jared tells Josh he wants to stop by his bedroom to put down all the things he was still carrying from practice, like his hoodie and guitar.

They climb up the stairs to the loft-type bedroom and Jared throws his hoodie into a corner and sets his guitar against the wall. That's when he sees Kelly and Bowie cuddled together right in the middle of his bed. His heart flutters at the sight. He looks over at Josh and puts his fingers to his lips.

He whispers to Josh, "Looks like we found her." He shrugs, "No point in waking her up, the bed is big enough for all of us."

Jared smirks to himself when Josh agrees. He was expecting Josh to protest that it was weird to have them all in one bed. Josh was either too tired to care or he felt a camaraderie with Jared, the latter of which was Jared's intention of course.

Jared playfully slaps Bowie on the rump and tells him to go find his Mommy. Bowie grumbles and ignores him.

"Come on," he nudges him gently. "Go find your Mommy." Bowie reluctantly gets up and leaves the room, grumbling the whole way.

Jared takes off his shirt and throws it. "I don't know where Emma put your stuff," he lies. "But you can just throw your clothes on the floor and we'll find it in the morning." Jared strips down to almost naked and says he's going to use the bathroom while Josh gets undressed.

Josh doesn't notice the breathtaking view the room has to offer because the second he laid eyes on Kelly sleeping it was the only view he would notice. She looked so cute cuddled in bed with her arm around Bowie. Josh knows how much she misses Mr. Pretzel. He misses the Lil guy too. He thinks it's time to adopt another dog but then it hits him, finally, that they may not be going back to Florida any time soon.

Josh climbs into bed next to Kelly. The temperature in the room is perfect, it is neither hot nor humid, so he knows Kelly is sleeping well. Before long, Josh is also sleeping well.

For all of Jared's public grandstanding on the importance of sleep and getting enough rest, he sure didn't practice what he preached. All night he watches Kelly sleep, occasionally caressing her arm or her face. He slides the covers down to look at more of her. He fights the urge to touch her breasts when she rolls over onto her back revealing her nipples poking through her thin shirt. He couldn't fuck her with Josh in bed next to them, so he decides he'd better try to sleep. Not to mention he would hate for Josh to wake up and catch him staring at his wife's tits with a raging boner.

The next morning Josh wakes up to the sound of voices. He keeps his eyes closed as he slowly comes out of his sleepy fog.

Jared is fully dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed next to Kelly. She has the covers pulled up around her and is sipping an iced latte (her favorite morning beverage.)

"I'm leaving for the whole day, but I'll be back for band practice later. I expect you to be there. With your camera," he emphasizes. He places a quick kiss on her cheek and he's gone. 

The One That Got Away.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon