Details, Details, Details

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It is now officially set in stone and signed in blood that Tomo has rejoined the band and the tour. Which, to Kelly, meant the details about living arrangements were imminent. Her and Josh's living arrangements to be specific. Tomo, Josh, and Shannon were having loads of post-show fun on the bus together. They would continue to bang out music or stay up talking and drinking all night. 

The subject of living arrangements had come up the night that Jared stormed out and Kelly followed him. Desmond stepped in to negotiate the details for her. 

"Let's keep in mind that Kelly wants a quiet space to do her editing," he points out. 

"Oh, right, that's true," Josh replies. "There's no way she'll put up with this raucous musician shit all night."

Tomo laughs, "Aw man, she's no fun!"

"She needs to concentrate, I get it. Plus, she is totally an early bird. She loves to go to bed early and get up early. Jared must have to walk on eggshells!"

Tomo throws his head back laughing, "Now that's a good one! Jared walking on eggshells! Kelly must be packing some serious voodoo, usually, it's the other way around!"

Desmond steps in once again to finalize and change the topic, "Ok, so Tomo and Victoria will stay with Shannon and Josh. You know, you guys can bring your dog, if you'd like. Actually, I hear you guys have a few pets. What, like 5 of them?" The segue is rather effortless as Tomo loves his dogs and loves to talk about them. They are his and Victoria's children.

Certain details are not lost on Shannon and Tara, and Victoria notices the couple exchange disapproving looks. It piques the interest of an already curious Victoria.

Victoria Miličević, nee Bosanquet,  grew up in Detroit Mi, the middle daughter of a factory worker and an Emergency Medical Technician. She met Tomo in their Junior year of high school when they were seated next to each other in Math class. They moved into a small apartment together immediately after they graduated high school and both attended culinary school. They talked and planned endlessly about opening restaurants and bakeries all around Detroit, maybe Chicago, and then expanding out from there. Tomo joining Thirty Seconds to Mars in 2003 derailed those plans a bit.

Victoria, being a go-with-the-flow kind of person, took it in stride and put it down to experience. Tomo was always grateful for her willingness to tour with him and that Jared was generous enough to allow it in the budget. He couldn't imagine being without her for that long. It simply would not have worked for him, Victoria is too important to him. In Tomo's life, it is Victoria first and everything else second. 

"Thank you, thank you," Kelly tells Desmond after finding out how he handled the details of the living arrangements.

"Don't thank me just yet. Shannon and Tara didn't buy it and that seemed to intrigue Victoria," he holds his hand up as her mouth flies open, "No one is going to tell Josh. Don't worry."

"Yeah but -"

"It would be bad for Tomo and Victoria, too. I'm just warning you that Victoria is a smart cookie. And there's not a chance in hell she doesn't tell Tomo everything. Those two like to juice the gossip but they aren't stupid, they aren't vindictive, and they have good motives to keep their mouths shut."

"What motives?"

"The band. Money. Lots and lots of money, honey."

"Oh." Kelly finds the whole subject of money distasteful and she still isn't convinced the whole thing won't blow up in her face at any moment. She speculates that it will only be a matter of time before she is confronted by Tomo or Victoria, or both, just like she had been confronted by Shannon and Tara. 

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