Mr. Flambé

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Jared had honestly been intent on enjoying the vacation as much as Josh and Kelly but work kept intruding. At most, he had expected a few calls about business here and there but things with the record company suddenly got hairy. They started in with endless questions like why they were supplying 3 tour busses when 2 was adequate? Even though Jared had already offered to pay for the additional bus they were still insisting he justify the need. They were pressuring him to justify a whole lot of his recent decisions. Why is Josh making so much? When exactly could they expect to hear more music? Why is the photographer making so much, and why were they hardly seeing any of her work? They informed him that Kelly Ryan is a nobody in the world of photography, it is unwise to pay so much for a no-name. In addition, where did they find these two and what exactly were they planning to tell the fans? Jared found the questions to be ill-timed and intrusive. They could have dealt with most of this two weeks ago. They pressured him about seeing and hearing more music and artwork, he requested that they be patient. There would be artwork, more music, and photos coming very soon; everything was in the works and they were all working very hard. The record company was expecting far more and wanted to give the band far less. A typical tactic of the record company. It kept him on the phone, negotiating and bickering for hours. It was an unnecessary waste of his little time off.

The plus side to Jared being tied up all day was that Kelly and Josh could go out and do things they couldn't do with him without worrying they would be photographed to death. On the first day Josh and Kelly go sightseeing, take a hike, stop for lunch at a nice restaurant, and cruise along the Pacific Coast Highway in their rented convertible sports car. Late in the afternoon, they pull over to enjoy the view and Kelly takes photos.

"I'm glad to see you taking pictures again," Josh remarks.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I've known you long enough to know how you constantly take pictures. Pictures of everything, even if it's inappropriate," he laughs. "But when you are stressed, I mean really stressed, you never touch the thing. I was worried you may have slipped into a depression. I've never seen you go so long without taking pictures and well, considering you are the official photographer for Mars, I was getting very concerned."

"Oh," Kelly hadn't even realized that about herself.

"Artists usually say they create best under duress but I've always found you to be the opposite. You seem to take no comfort in it when you are down."

"I guess you're right. But things are looking up."

"Good," Josh smiles. "I want you to be happy."

"I'd be stark raving mad if this scenery didn't make me happy!" She laughs and leans into him. They share a quiet embrace for a long stretch before returning to the oceanfront home in time for dinner.

Jared was adamant that they all be together for dinner no matter what was going on. Every night at 8 PM on the dot they would meet around the teak table on the veranda facing the ocean. Kelly wasn't fond of eating so late but the last several weeks had upended all of her schedules and she was growing more accustomed to it. 

They each take a seat at the table as the soft ocean breeze ruffles Kelly's dress; Jared stops breathing every time it happens. He can't believe how irresistible she looks, he finds it hard not to stare at her. He notices Josh doing the same.

The view from Jared's room was nothing compared to the view on the veranda. Kelly couldn't believe this was where they were having dinner this very evening. It felt fancy beyond her wildest dreams even though it was just a casual dinner on the beach.

Though Jared is not an adventurous eater, he knows Kelly and Josh are. He requests a specific menu for himself but Kelly and Josh allow the chef to serve their dishes of his choosing every night. Chef Reynaldo would not disappoint them.

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