Prepping For The Tour

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It had been a full month already since Kelly and Josh arrived at the compound and everyone is busy preparing for the upcoming tour. In only 45 days they would be on tour with Thirty Seconds To Mars. This also kicked off the band's daily, and if Jared got his way all day, rehearsal. Instead of starting early evening, they were starting at 8 AM sharp, every day until the tour. He wants Kelly to document all the rehearsals so she sets up cameras for filming while she shoots still photos. He had told her many times all creative liberties were up to her, then he kept criticizing her placement of the cameras. Jared has such a stick up his ass, Kelly isn't able to capture any decent photos or footage. She finally reaches a point where she needs a break from him and just sets her camera down, leaving him and the band.

Shannon was also the target of Jared's nit-picking and surly attitude. "No, more like this," he admonishes. He taps out a beat for him, "Come on, you know this, Shannon!"

 He goads Shannon until he finally throws his drum sticks down. "I gotta take a piss," he says storming out of the rehearsal bay.

"Alight, take five," Jared says as if it matters.

Shannon walks down a long dimly lit hallway and right past the bathroom. He ducks into a private room through one door, while Kelly is quietly slipping into the same room through another door. When they bump into each other they are not happy to see the other. Both came there to get away from Jared, and if they were being honest, they were both there to indulge in contraband.

Shannon decides to come clean. He pulls out a small container of weed and a one-hitter. He packs the hitter with bud and says, "Listen, I know Jared's rule is no smoking on the job but, ya know, since you're, like, technically my co-worker, maybe we could keep this between us? You know, not tell the boss."

A large grin breaks across Kelly's face and she giggles as she pulls out her joint. They both laugh loudly and then quickly pipe down so as not to get themselves busted. Shannon shows her that one of the windows in that particular room opens easily and they can direct their smoke through there. Jared had not forbidden Kelly to smoke weed. She assumes he has set different rules for the band for whatever reason.

He packs another bowl for himself, then pulls a package of gummies from his pocket and hands them to Kelly. "CBD," he says. "It'll help get you through the times on tour when you won't be able to smoke. I'm sure Jared told you about the no weed on tour thing, and really," he says between hits, "as long as we are in the US, we're good. Just don't bring it out of the country. I can hook you up during those times, just don't bring it in. Come see me. I'll help you out."

"Thanks, Shan."

Jared hadn't yet informed her of the tour rules. She wonders if he really will forbid her to smoke on tour, though she understood the risk of bringing it into another country and would never do such a thing. But so far, there were no plans to leave the US, so she wasn't too worried.  

"Just keep it away from Jared and he's none the wiser." Shannon tucks his hitter away deep in his pocket, pats it, winks at her, and slips out as secretively as he'd come in.

She wishes she had given him one of Val's special black jar joints for dealing with Jared's shit because he probably needed it right about now. She exams the package of gummies. She didn't know much about CBD but she thought it was awfully sweet and caring of Shannon to give them to her. She sends a text to Val asking if she knows anything about CBD. Within just a few minutes, she texts Kelly back with a War And Peace length text explaining the benefits. 

As she's reading Val's mile-long text she receives one from Jared.

Where are you?

Truth be told, Kelly regrets having agreed to be Jared's photographer. Had she known about his plans for Josh to join Mars and the two million dollars she never would have taken the job. She decides to ignore his text and heads up to their room. She needs what is in that little black jar.

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