New Addition

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"This is all happening too fast," Jared states with an air of suspicion. "Shannon did this behind my back. He tried to put it on Josh, but I know it was all him. I don't like this sneaking around shit."

"What, like the way we are sneaking around behind Josh's back?"

"That's different."

"Not really. Deception is deception. You can't justify an affair, then turn around and condemn Shannon for coming up with an idea without your permission. He's in the band, too. He has every right to make decisions."

"That's not the point - never mind." Jared dismisses the whole conversation.

"You're afraid of change."


"Either you're afraid of change or you don't want Shannon having any say in the band. One or the other. Because this demo is hot, you'd be a fool not to add this person to the band. Or at least meet him. And, I agree about the setlist. These are all great ideas."

"Oh, boy. Everyone is a fucking expert now."

"It's nothing to do with expert. I hear your setlist night after night, and yes, a lot of fans are asking to hear the older songs. Cade has been talking to all the fans, I mean as many as he can, not just the ones at the meet and greets."

Jared looks at his phone. "Josh will probably be back soon and this is how we are spending our very limited alone time? You do remember that Josh is staying on our bus after tonight, right?"

At that very moment, Shannon and Josh were meeting with this secret bass player, and Jared wasn't invited. It made his blood boil to think they were doing something behind his back, right in front of his face. Where was this insubordination coming from? Was Tara's influence to blame? Or was Shannon so bent on revenge over his love for Kelly that he would find another way to hurt him?

"I'm actually shocked that you aren't having Shannon followed," she says before it dawns on her. "Or are you?!"

"Of course fucking not! Desmond is right here on the bus with us, isn't he?"

"Yeah, like you don't have another Mike Ehrmantraut on the payroll."

Jared ignores her comment. "Who's left a famous band recently?" he wonders aloud. "Shannon said this bass player used to be in a famous band."

"Hm, I don't know, I don't keep up with that kind of stuff."

"I bet Shayla would know." 

Kelly recoils at the name. She hadn't had to deal with her for 5 glorious days and it was excellent. She figures the feeling is probably mutual. 

"Maybe Cade would know," she offers.

Jared jumps up from the bed, slides the door open, and yells down the coach, "Cade! Come here!"

"Oi, ya bastard!" Shayne peeks out from a nearby bunk. "Some of us are trying to sleep!"

"Sorry, Shayne," Jared apologizes as he ushers Cade in, and slides the door shut. Jared sits on the bed next to Kelly while Cade awkwardly stands near the doorway.

"Hey, guys," he says nervously, fearing he is in some kind of trouble.

"You know about bands right? Like famous bands?" 

"Uh, h-how do you mean...?" 

Kelly interjects, "Do you know any bass players that have left any famous bands recently?"

"Uhhh," Cade thinks hard. "Recently? Uh, why?" 

"You're not in trouble, Cade," Jared clarifies. "We're just wondering. Mars might be looking for one. We figured you might know since you're pretty hip on the happenings."

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