Magically Delicious

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In addition to the CBD gummies, Shannon had also slipped Kelly edibles. It was like smoking weed "but better," he said. Kelly had never in her life eaten marijuana. Valeriya didn't like edibles so Kelly was completely ignorant of them. Shannon gave her a variety of candies of differing strength and flavors, with very specific instructions for each. She decided to bring those along with her instead of the jars of flower, as she didn't know the smoking policy of the resort. She would hate for Jared to be fined or charged extra because of her smoking joints. 

Kelly examines the candies. She is not sure what to expect but Shannon was very clear and very adamant that she start out taking a very small dose. He said to take one and wait no less than two hours for the effects to catch up before taking another. She isn't sure why anyone would even take edibles when smoking did the job just fine.

As it turns out, edibles are amazing for Kelly. It is like nothing she has ever experienced before. The comfortable, euphoric feeling spread throughout her body in gentle, soothing waves. Her mind exploded with imagery, creativity, and every sense in her body stood at attention. The breeze didn't just feel like a breeze, it felt like every satisfying, peaceful, sweet-scented breeze she had ever felt in her whole life melded together into one mega breeze.

If all of that wasn't good enough, her sore muscles from all the hiking were non-existent. Her body felt completely pain-free and at peace.

She relaxes in a lounge chair on the beach, staring at the waves as Chef Reynaldo delivers her a most elegant dessert. It was perfect timing as her munchies just started kicking in. Jared had requested it for her (with the caveat it not be any kind of flambé dessert.) Normally, he couldn't even tell when Kelly was stoned. He wasn't sure what Valeriya hooked her up with but whatever it was he could tell she was feeling great. He knew the munchies would soon follow.

Biting into that dessert was like biting into an actual piece of heaven. It was smooth, creamy, tasting of chocolate and cherries. Her tastebuds were multiplied by a thousand. She could singularly taste every ingredient in it. She could taste every stir of the whisk used to create it and the hand that assembled it. Every bite swallowed activated the pleasure sensors to the max. It was truly like having a full-body, full sensory orgasm. This. Is. Incredible. She thinks to herself.

About twenty minutes after her orgasmic dessert she slowly grows drowsy. She tucks herself under the covers in bed and drifts off into the most peaceful, unworried sleep she has ever known.

"Hey, Stoney," Jared whispers to her as he caresses her face, rousing her from her deep slumber. 

She stretches and yawns in response. She hears Josh laugh. Still a bit drowsy, she starts to come around. She's feeling more refreshed and rested than she has in years. Suddenly, she wants coffee.

Josh and Jared laugh again as she blinks her eyes. "What in the hell did you smoke last night?" Jared asks her.

"Huh?" She grabs her cappuccino on the tray next to her. She notices no one else has breakfast and her cappuccino is at room temperature. "Wait, what?" She blubbers, still coming out of her comfortable, sleepy daze.

"Wow, it must have been good," Josh laughs. "I don't think I've ever seen you that stoned! You were even snoring last night! I can't believe you didn't share with us."

"My ex has been giving her some really good shit," Jared comments to Josh.

My ex was the phrase that helps her shake off the last of the delightful effects of the edibles.

"Don't drink that," Jared says to her. He pulls out his phone, "I'll tell Chef Boy to bring you a fresh one."

"No," she protests. "I'm not going to waste this, it's fine."

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