Camp Jared

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Thoughts of this mysterious vacation/staycation had given Kelly renewed patience. Trying to fill her days alone and not go stir crazy didn't seem as dire. She arranged for Shayla to bring breakfast a little later than usual from now on so she could fully commit to meditating first thing every morning. Eventually, if she had time before vacation and the tour, she would go looking for that elusive workout room Shayla told her about. It was fully equipped with everything one would find at a full-sized gym, she was told, albeit she had never before seen it during any of her explorations around the compound.

After breakfast, she and Erica chat on the phone, while Kelly lies on the bed gazing out at the marvelous view of Los Angels. She takes long hits off of a cone and relaxes fully into the moment. The conversation somehow takes a turn and Kelly inadvertently reveals she and Jared are having sex, and not practicing safe sex.

"Kelly!" Erica exclaims, snapping Kelly back into reality. "He could have herpes! He probably has herpes. No doubt he has herpes. I bet that's just for starters!"

"Tell her she needs to get tested, ASAP!" Kris yells in the background.

"Yes, please, get tested. And buy some condoms!"

"I'm sure he is..." Kelly starts to say in a small voice. Patrick was far more understanding about the situation but Erica and Kris were not wrong. She and Jared never had any discussion about his status. How is she so sure he's clean?

"What if he's given you something that will cause you to become sterile? Often men are asymptomatic. He might not even know he has something."

"Her vagina could fall off!" Kris yells in the background. 

Kelly laughs. "I'll try to bring it- ok, ok, I will bring it up."

"Soon. Don't wait." 

She promises Erica that she will talk to Jared about it before they leave on tour. Although, Kelly isn't sure how they would manage to have sex on a cramped, crowded tour bus. She assumes they won't. 

Kelly has never seen the inside of a band's tour bus and her imagination does not provide a favorable depiction. She expects her living quarters for the next six months will be boring, annoying, and claustrophobic, possibly with some motion sickness thrown into the mix. She has questions, too. How will they shower? How will she wash her face at night? Bus living sounded dreadful. Ultimately, she was going to put up with it for Josh, not Jared. 

Shayla enters with the green tea Kelly requested earlier. Kelly was no longer feeling guilty about asking for what she wanted from Shayla. Or so she told herself. She was just forcing herself to speak up about what she wanted. Kelly hated to be a bother but she felt it was rude of Shayla to have confronted her in the way she did when Kelly was just trying to make her day easier. Kelly knew Jared ran her ragged. Not to mention she was also Emma's assistant in addition to being Jared's, and now Kelly's. Shayla's days were hectic.

Shayla places the tea on the table, wearing a significant look on her face. When Shayla had something important to say it was always written all over her face. She pulls out her phone. "There is something..." she starts then pauses, trying to choose her words carefully. "Jared doesn't think this is a big deal but I thought you'd like to know. I'm sure you don't want to find this without warning so here," she hands Kelly her phone.

A bold headline reads: Jared Leto's new gal pal? Who is she? 

The headline blares over the top of a photo of Kelly and Jared embracing on the beach in Florida. Blurry and out of focus as the photo is, Kelly knows right away what she was looking at. Below, a most unflattering picture of Valeriya is featured prominently. It was obviously snapped mid-conversation, her mouth twisted and eyes half-closed. The caption read: Did Valeriya get the boot? 

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