Passionate Nights

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Jared took Kelly's silence as a sign she may be overwhelmed. He had just thrown a lot at her. And right after a mind-blowing orgasm. He takes her head in his hands, kisses her sweetly on the lips. His sweet kiss quickly turns aggressively passionate, and he fucks her again.

He lasts only slightly longer this time. He hasn't had sex twice on the same night in over a decade. He felt her orgasm tighten and throb around him. He was pretty sure he never felt a woman orgasm like that before. While he had given almost every woman he'd been with an orgasm, Kelly was experiencing hers on a whole other level. It was new and irresistible to Jared. He would have gone a third round but Kelly was getting drowsy. It was past midnight, after all. 

During the night it was Jared who had trouble sleeping. Not trouble per se, it was the fact he couldn't take his eyes off of Kelly. Any moment he couldn't luxuriate in her was time wasted. He nuzzles into her (his heart melts when she nuzzles back) and stares at her gorgeous face and body all through the night. He was glad he had torn those hideous terry cloth shorts she insisted on wearing to bed because now she wore only a pair of lace panties. 

At around 4 am, his luxuriate time started turning into anxiety. There would be a period of separation between him going back to LA and her and Josh coming out to LA. And make no mistake, they were coming to LA. Plan 2, Step 1 was to get Josh on board with the idea of coming out to California. If Jared needed, he would meet Josh in person, inviting him and his wife to LA. After all, Jared was an award-winning actor and musician and Josh seemed like a reasonable man, of course, he would assent. In LA, he would lay out details to Josh about the job he's offering to Kelly, highlighting the fact that she would be paid in full upfront, then he would implement Step 2 of the plan. Step 2 was the most important and it was infallible.

Jared, having been up all night, was a bit groggy at breakfast. Kelly, the early bird, was wide awake. She had slept better than she had in a while. And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. Jared didn't mind a bit, especially when she broke into giggles for no reason. Even so, he decides to pick up their conversation from last night. 

"I know you have two main concerns right now. You're worried about Josh, and you don't want to be thrust into the spotlight or deal with the burden of fame. I'm very good at keeping people I love under the radar. You'll just have to trust me on that. As far as Josh goes, why not tell him the truth- or the truth as we see fit. I recognized you from Pure Platinum, and you happen to be a photographer now, what a coincidence, I need a photographer."

Kelly opens her mouth to say something but Jared stops her.

"Let me take care of the details. I won't tell Josh anything you don't want me to tell him. You can trust me."

Kelly didn't trust anybody. Josh had to work hard to overcome that with Kelly. So why would she trust Jared, who, by the way, was completely untrustworthy for so many reasons. On top of that, Kelly has way more to lose than Jared. 

"I know, it's a lot all at once," he says sincerely. "Let me handle it."

"Handle it how?"

"I'll stop by your house before I leave for LA."

Kelly almost chokes to death on her coffee. 

"Tell him you ran into me at your studio. I recognized you, yes, I was a customer at Pure Platinum. I need a photographer, bam, we're having a meeting. It's all very business-esque."

Kelly stares at him, incredulous. Was this real life? 

"Why were you in Orlando?"

"I was stuck here, which is true."

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