Jared Leto

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In Josh's dressing room, Desmond pulls out two concert tickets and holds them up. "Instead of sitting side stage, let's enjoy the show like regular fans," he smiles.

Kelly's face lights up. This is a good idea. 

"We'll have to go now, though. Josh will understand. He knows I have the tickets." 

"What about Jared?"

Desmond shrugs, "What about him?"

"Will you get in trouble? He didn't pay you a cool mil to keep me away from him."

"First of all, Kelly, he paid me to keep you safe and happy. Anything he wants beyond that is irrelevant to my job."

Kelly laughs nervously, "I would hate for you to get fired."

Desmond gently takes her by the arm to get his point across, "Kelly, Jared can't fire me. I work for you. You signed the contract, not him."

"Does it really work that way?" she asks tentatively.

"Yes, legally speaking it does. I'm legally bound to that contract and all of its stipulations."

"Sounds like this could backfire on him."

"Not my problem."

Josh enters his dressing room and is a little disappointed that Kelly is not there waiting for him. He sits down and, with a half-cocked smile on his face, looks around in complete disbelief. 

He titters, Is this my life?  In what felt like a blink of an eye he left behind a stuffy office with no windows, a stagnant wage, office politics, student loans. The extreme relief and feeling of freedom that engorged him knowing he never had to return to that place again set in when his check from the record company cleared. Now, however, he was anxious. Jared, Shannon, and Stevie all told him he was going to shine out there on stage. He hopes they are right.

With his heart rapidly beating against his chest, he takes a deep breath. Jared had taught him how to meditate. They had meditated together quite a lot, though right now he was much too nervous to do it without Jared's guidance. Even though Emma made him some chamomile tea (at the request of Constance), he starts wishing he had a shot of that Agricole, just to take the edge off of his nerves, just loosen up a little. He stands up, bounces around, tries to shake off his nervous energy. 

"Josh?" Emma pokes her head into the dressing room. "It's time."

Desmond and Kelly had positioned themselves in the general admission area on Josh's side of the stage. Kelly is not familiar with the opening band, though the crowd seems to like them and they play for what feels like an eternity. She can hardly wait for Josh to take the stage.

When Thirty Seconds To Mars finally begins their performance, Kelly finds her attention is on Jared almost exclusively. He is energetic, charismatic, an impressive leader, and a very entertaining frontman. His voice is powerful, he sings with a passion and fire that she didn't know he had inside of him. Bouncing from one side of the stage to the other, grabbing fans from the audience to join the band on stage, cracking jokes and quips. He commands the audience to sing along (it gives her chills) and makes every fan feel like an important part of the show. 

She is so ensnared by Jared she hardly notices all the adulation for Josh. Fans were holding 'I Love You Josh' and 'Marry Me Josh' signs. The fans were truly in love with him and couldn't get enough of him and this new version of Thirty Seconds To Mars. 

The band plays for over 2 and a half hours. It goes by so fast that Desmond is guiding her through the crowd and back to the tour bus before she knows it.

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