Unparalleled Hospitality

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"Ok, so before we go on vacation we need to discuss something very important." Kelly steadies herself and looks Jared in the eye. "We should start using condoms. We don't use condoms and I really think we should, for obvious reasons."

"Oh," Jared is taken aback. She is implying he is dirty. "Kelly, I was around during the AIDS crisis. I know all about STDs and I've always practiced safe sex. Up until about maybe a year or two ago I routinely got tested every six months."

"Why did you stop getting tested?"

"It wasn't necessary. Valeriya and I were monogamous, I always wore a condom because she's not on birth control, plus she was a virgin when I met her."

Monogamous, Kelly scoffs to herself. That's not what she and Patrick read on the internet. She is so annoyed by him using the word monogamous she completely misses the fact he just told her Valeriya was a virgin. 

"Do you want to see my medical records?" 

"No. But we probably should start, you know..." she trails off.

Jared is disheartened. Kelly is also disappointed, she didn't want him to start wearing condoms but it was the right thing to do. "What if I have herpes, or worse, and have given it to you? You don't seem very concerned about that."

"Oh, please," Jared waves his hand.

"You have never even asked if I'm on birth control. I am, by the way."

"I don't care if you are or not," he tells her with bold-faced honesty. "If you don't use condoms with Josh, why should you use them with me?"

"That's not even a fair comparison. And how do you know we don't?"

"I'm sure you don't."

"Maybe we do," Kelly lies to one-up him.

"I swear to you, I'm clean. I'm not fucking anybody else, I don't even want to fuck anybody else. I know you're clean, and I know for a fact you're not fucking anybody else."

"You're wrong. I am fucking someone else."

Jared looks puzzled.

"I'm fucking Josh. So I am fucking someone besides you."

"Whatever. We're all clean." He already knows about Kelly's insistence to get her and Josh tested before they had sex for the first time. Unbeknownst to Kelly, he and Josh had many intimate conversations about sex. He knew Josh had not had many partners and was only interested in Kelly since the moment he met her. (Jared could relate to the latter.) 

"Birth control pills are not infallible," she points out.

"That's true. But I know you are responsible and take your medication as prescribed so I have no worries it won't work as advertised. And if it fails for some reason, I am not at all worried. You'd be an incredible mother."

"How do you know I would want to be a mother?" she counters.

Jared rolls his eyes and laughs. "You'd be over the moon if you ever found out you were pregnant, even if it was not intended."

Kelly opens her mouth to protest but he is correct. A baby wouldn't be unwelcome, even if it wasn't planned. An STI, however, is unwanted. She wishes she hadn't read all those stories about groupies and random models and porn stars. She hoped that most of it wasn't true but she knew in reality at least some of it was probably true. She was also not confident in Jared's ability to be monogamous. He didn't think twice when it came to cheating on Valeriya with her. He said it himself that he didn't even consider it cheating. 

Suddenly, he grabs and pulls her close against him. "Don't you love it when I cum inside you?" he asks her softly.

"Yeah, I fucking love it," she answers softly, her body going weak. "I really, really love it."

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