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Kelly felt nothing but torment in the pit of her stomach. Up and down, a constant revolving door of guilt and lust. She kept telling herself that the tour was half over, surely Jared will grow tired of this insane, lonely game, and naturally, go get himself a girlfriend that he didn't have to share. Certainly, one that was a hell of a lot less trouble. Eventually, the newness would wear off and reality would set in that he had the disadvantage in the situation and it would be time to move on. Realistically, how much could he put up with? He was so jealous he wouldn't even allow her to be in the same room with their producer Craig Kane because he might look at her ass. Josh, being her husband, not only had carte blanche to look but touch as well. Surely, he would get well fed up with that. After all, he's Jared FRIGGIN' Leto. Rock star, musician, and an award-winning actor. A guy like that can have a woman all to his own. And he should. 

Jared is not feeling that particular brand of torment himself, however. His obsession is getting larger, unfortunately, he's running out of people to confide in. He wants nothing more than to express his feeling for her to the entire world. For now, Shayla will have to suffice as his main confidant. 

"I just can't resist how she trembles every time I get near her. Drives me fucking crazy."

"Yeah, well don't worry. As soon as she stops trembling at your mere sight, you'll lose interest and move on. Problem solved," she responds coldly and walks away.

Shayla and Kelly aren't actual enemies, but they certainly clashed. They did not understand each other,  and they didn't even try. One thing they had in common was their affection for Jared. Shayla is, and will always be, more than a cousin but a little sister to him. That would never change. That was very off-putting to Kelly, even though she didn't know why. She felt nothing but animosity from Shayla. Shayla on the other hand was put off by Kelly's sense of being put off. As far as she was concerned this isn't a contest, and Kelly needs to stop acting like Shayla gives two shits about her affair because she doesn't. It was Kelly who attached that vibe to her, and Shayla refused to take responsibility for it. Although, in the back of her mind, Shayla knows that it is Jared who will eventually be hurt by the situation and she will have to help him pick up the pieces when this is finally over. The inevitable fact that her close family member would suffer a terrible heartbreak, in the end, did not sit well with her.

Kelly's main confidant is still Patrick, though none of their current conversations were helping her feel balanced. The physical time away from her friends was starting to catch up. They were going skating on Friday nights with a new group of friends and Patrick had a couple of cute boys in his life, though nothing was too serious at the moment. That was starting to make Patrick feel unbalanced, as he went back and forth between not having enough time to talk to Kelly on the phone ("It would be so much easier if you were here," he'd sigh) to hounding her to invite him on tour so he could get away from it all.

 "She's a cute little Tom-boy, isn't she?" Patrick remarks at a photo of Tomo's wife, Victoria. 

"She's really nice, too. I like her a lot."

"So, when are you going to invite me to join you guys on tour?" 

"I don't know, you'd probably be bored." While that is certainly true, Kelly's mind wanders to Erica, who would be a much better choice to bring on tour right about now. Erica dislikes Jared so much she might just be able to bring Kelly to her senses about him. 

"You're fucking the boss, surely he can find a job for me! I mean, there are like, what, 40 other servants around there, what's one more? Who irons his underwear?"

Kelly laughs but is struck with a brilliant idea: Chef Rey!

She is not romantically attracted to him; further, he wouldn't touch her situation with a 10-foot pole. Her line of thinking is that perhaps he could bring balance to the situation and maybe even help facilitate the fizzling of it, sooner than later. Maybe a chaperone of sorts is in order. 

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