Sunday With The Letos

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Jared lets Josh and Kelly sleep in on the morning of the Sunday family get-together. When he said 'family' get-together, Kelly wasn't exactly sure who he meant. The only family she knew about was Shannon and his mom. Unless he was counting employees.

Kelly stretches and opens her eyes. There was an iced latte and a hot flat white waiting for them on the table. She kisses Josh to wake him up. He opens his eyes and smiles at her. They giggle and embrace before they get out of bed.

This really is like winning the lottery, she thinks to herself as they drink their coffee and watch Los Angels in the mid-morning light.

After they've finished their coffee they start feeling a little awkward.  They weren't sure where Jared was or what they were supposed to do. As many times as Jared said his house was their house, the fact is they had not been there long enough to feel that way. They shyly wander into the main kitchen where Jared and his mom have been cooking for quite some time. Kelly hasn't seen this level of cooking since she was a kid. It finally occurs to her that this isn't some little get-together with his mom and Shannon. This was large family cooking.

The moment Constance sees Josh she screams with delight and pulls him into a hug. Constance seems to have a deep understanding and compassion for Josh. It's as if she senses that he doesn't have a mother, and hasn't had one in a very long time. She fusses over him immediately.

"You must be hungry. Sit down, honey, sit down. I'll fix you something right up. I bet you like omelets, don't you?" she says and winks at him.

"I do," he beams, sitting down as she's instructed.

She kisses Kelly on the cheek, "Nice to meet you. Sit down, sit down. I'll make you something, too, sweetheart."

"Not everyone is vegan," Jared says in response to the bewildered look on Kelly's face as she stares at all the steaks and roasted chickens being prepared. He wraps his arm around her waist, pulls her against him, and pops a kiss on her lips right in front of his mom, Josh, and everyone. She freezes on the spot and turns bright red. 

"Oh, that reminds me," Constance says to Jared with her hands full of eggshells, "you've got two more birds to stuff."

"Argh," Jared groans. "I hate stuffing chickens," he mumbles to Kelly, releasing her from his grip. She looks at Josh, who is still beaming at Constance like he can't wait for that omelet. The fastest way to Josh's heart was truly his stomach. If he'd had a tail it would have been wagging.

"Can I help with anything?" Kelly asks nervously.

"No, no, sit down. I've got breakfast coming for you," Constance tells her. It reminds her of her grandma in the kitchen who used to say the same thing. "Here, taste this," she says shoving something into Josh's mouth, also like her grandma used to do.

 "Oh, come on!" Jared yells, throwing his hands up. "You wouldn't even let me have a taste!"

"Stuff those chickens and be quiet!"

Kelly laughs. This really is like her family.

Constance serves Josh a Denver omelet, hash browns, pancakes, toast with butter and strawberry jelly, fresh fruit, and orange juice. All Josh's favorites. Kelly wonders how she knew that. She serves Kelly a microscopic serving of vegan chia pudding, a tiny slice of orange, and a glass of water. 

Constance sits down at the table and smiles at Josh over her cup of tea. "How is it?"

Josh has a mouthful of food. "Mmmfff-hhmmfff," he nods.

"Jesus Christ, Ma!" Jared yells, referring to Kelly's breakfast. "What is this?"

"What?" Constance asks innocently.

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