Just A Suggestion

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"Argh," Kelly groans the next morning. 

She barely has one eye open when Chef Rey says, "Good morning, sunshine. Sleep well?"

"Um..." Kelly realizes she is still clutching the empty wine bottle like a teddy bear. "Um, I ..."

Chef Rey laughs, "Good thing I have the perfect recipe for a hangover!"

"Absolutely not, we'll order room service. It's only fair." Kelly rubs her eyes. "What time is it?"

Chef Rey looks at his watch, "10 am." 

"Are Jared and Josh back?"

"Yes, I believe I heard them come in about 5 am."

"Oh, my God, I can't believe we drank so much wine. I normally never drink, and certainly not this much."

Chef Rey smiles mischievously, "Gotta go crazy once in a while."

Kelly and Chef Rey formed a friendship over wine and weed the previous night. They talked extensively about their backgrounds and their values.  She didn't even feel weird about being a lowly nobody anymore. People and experiences meant more to Chef Rey than material things or the notion of being rich and powerful.  

 "I could really use a cappuccino," Kelly mutters, rubbing her face again.

"Allow me," Chef Rey says, standing up.

"No way! We're ordering it from the hotel or whatever rich people do. You're a guest now."

Chef Rey laughs, "Well, Mr. Jared may have something to say about that!"

"Yeah, let me worry about Mr. Jared," Kelly responds confidently. But in mere moments her confidence fades. "Er... I, uh, don't know how to, uh... ya know... summon breakfast to our room." Chef Rey laughs, and then so does Kelly. "Seriously, I have no idea how to do this rich people shit!"

"I will handle everything. And I shall only lift a finger to use the phone," he smiles.

"Thanks," she laughs. She gathers up the wine bottle, the ashtray and does a bit of light clean-up around the room. "I don't know why they call this a room - " she starts.

"This is a suite," Chef Rey corrects. 

"It's bigger than my house."

A surly voice echoes down the hallway, "The song Heart On A Chain, for example, can the crowd sing along with that? I mean, it's catchy but -" Jared spots Chef Rey, "Hey, what's for breakfast? Josh and I are scheduled for an interview in an hour."

"Look, I agree with Craig," Josh responds, "it's not all about what Mars did before, this is a new group and we're really good, we're tight. Fans are going to enjoy this, immensely."

Jared puts his hand on Josh, "Hang on. Well?" he asks Chef Rey.

"Oh boy, he's in a mood," Kelly remarks, pulling on a joint, then handing it to Chef Rey. Jared stares in utter disbelief as Chef Rey takes a drag and coughs. 

"Shit, we don't have time for this." 

"It's on its way," she tells him, calmly, as she and Chef Rey take a seat at the dining room table.

"What's on its way?"

"Breakfast, of course."

Jared throws a glance at Chef Rey. "Looks like the Chef is right here, the fuck are we waiting for?"

"Room service," she says snuffing out the joint. "We've both got wicked headaches and I said Chef Rey didn't have to cook."

"This is unbelievable," Jared says, pacing the room. "Well, I'm not paying your salary for -"

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