The Future Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Leto

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Shannon's passion for the band and touring had been reignited. Every show was better than the last, his drumming impeccable, and more enjoyable than ever. He truly felt he was living his own dream and not Jared's version. He had a full itinerary of interviews already lined up, and more being requested all the time. He is looking forward to doing interviews by himself, and with Josh, without Jared. This gave them the ability to expand their media coverage, as Jared couldn't be everywhere at the same time. He is more than elated to find out he will be featured in Modern Drummer magazine next month. He is being taken seriously as a musician and his confidence is soaring. He is thoroughly enjoying Tara's company on the road as well. They are excited to arrive in Washington, where a surprise engagement party is planned.

Jared and Kelly's arrangement still deeply bothers him, however. It bothers Tara, too.

"And now he's got Desmond. What if Jared forbids our contact with her?" A worried Tara asks Shannon.

"He won't. He can't. Desmond let me read the contract on the sly. It states he can only take orders from Kelly."

"Do you think Desmond will help us?"

"Maybe, but we can't flat out ask him. Then he'd have to tell her. But I don't think he's all together happy with the situation either."

"Fuck, I think I have a crush on him."

"Uh, and you didn't before? You've been sleeping with the man for months!" Patrick exclaims over the phone. 

"It's... sorta different now."


"I also haven't told you about Desmond."

"Desmond? Who the hell is Desmond now?"

"I'll send you a picture." 

"Girl, who is this?? Is he single?" 

"He's... my ....well, my bodyguard."

"Your body- IS. HE. SINGLE?"

Kelly laughs, "Nope, you're shit out of luck. He's married, two kids."

"So, a built-in family?" Patrick sounds hopeful.

Jared slides the door open and enters. 

"Lemme call you back, Jared just walked in. He's gonna fuck my brains out now."

"That's gotta be Patrick," he laughs when she hangs up. "I have a surprise for you when we get to New York."

"Oh, I know."

"You do?" He asks, highly amused as he knows there is no way possible she could know about the surprise he's just now arranged.

"Yeah, Grace is taking me shopping in NYC."

While on tour, one of the saving graces (no pun intended) was spending occasional long weekends in certain cities like Seattle and New York City. Grace Lamour got in contact with Kelly as soon as she heard they would both be there at the same time. She planned a special afternoon for the two of them, no boys allowed, except for Desmond of course.

"Well, that is a surprise because this is the first I've heard about it. Good, I'm glad. Grace is a wonderful girl she'll show you a really good time."

"So, you didn't ask her to take me shopping?"

"No. I have a much different surprise for you in New York."

"Well, what is it?"

"You'll find out when we get to New York," he teases. 

"Ugh," she flops dramatically onto the bed. "Then why did you tell me?"


She playfully swats him with a pillow. 

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