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"Hey Smythe, have you seen this??"

Sebastian barely raises his eyes from the essay he is writing, an analytical review of Les Misérables (the novel not the movie musical) for his French Literature class.  Mind still solely focusing on his native French while he types away on the laptop keyboard.  It's just second nature that he responds in it as opposed to English.

"Pas maintenant Clarington, je suis occupé!!!"

Hunter just leans back in his chair, crossing his legs at the ankle when he props his feet up on his own desk. Smirking, albeit playfully, at his roommate.

"You know I won't acknowledge anything you say in that snooty language. Speak English, you pretentious cheese eater."

Sebastian groans as he punches the save button before looking up with a deathly glare.

"Merde, Clarington!! I wasn't a 'pretentious cheese eater' an hour ago when you were raiding my stash of Camembert. What is SO DAMN IMPORTANT that you feel the need to break my train of thought?!"

Settling his chair back on four legs, Hunter settles to his feet with more ease than he should be able to, irritating the green eyes French boy all the more. Leisurely he crosses the short distance to Sebastian's desk with his phone in his hand. Tapping lazily on the screen as he speaks.

"Well I thought you'd be interested in the video your little boyfriend posted a few hours ago..... but if you're not...."

Sebastian blushes barely mumbling out a he's not my boyfriend before Hunter has the phone screen in front of him, a video queued up on the screen.

Sebastian's mouth goes dry as he watches the short clip that plays.

"Harwood....... He went.... He went blonde?!?!?!"

Hunter pulls back his phone, pocketing it, face stoic as he witnesses his roommate breaking down in front of him.

"Sure appears that way, doesn't it?"

Sebastian springs to his feet causing his roommate to give off a squeak very unbecoming of an ex-military academy recruit. He rushes out of the room, not even apologizing as Hunter topples to the floor.

Eyes wide as he storms down the hallway.

He can't believe it.

It has to be a joke.

Like really.

Sebastian is standing in front of a room around the corner and down the hall from his own before he even has a chance to process things.

Hand poised to knock as the door opens in front of him, the occupant of the room beginning to exit before he stops and looks up at the green eyes boy.


Thaddeus 'Thad' Harwood is standing in the open doorway, gaping up at him

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Thaddeus 'Thad' Harwood is standing in the open doorway, gaping up at him.

"Bas, you okay? Did you need something?"

Before he can help it Sebastian is reaching out to grab Thad, bringing him closer.

"You're blonde......"

Thad chuckles softly at that, trying to step back slightly but being unable to because of the strong hand on his arm. Warily he proceeds.

"Very astute Smythe. Glad to see you noticed."

"But why??"

Sebastian whispers out, blushing immediately when the words leave his lips.

Thad gently pushes Sebastian's hand off his arm, moving to lace their fingers together. Small smile on his face.

"For your attention of course."

Sebastian rolls his eyes, knowing that some god is teasing him with all of this. But at this point he doesn't care as he slowly starts to back Thad into the room. Kissing him deeply.

Damn Harwood, he knew he had a thing for blondes.

A/N: Just a little blurb that I couldn't pass up writing once I saw that Eddy Martin bleached his hair today. Hope you all enjoy! xoxo, Shann

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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