Back to the Beginning

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( a/n: this one is a Kid!fic hummelberry friendship story.  I hope you like it.)

He missed the orientation day.

You know that day, the one before classes are supposed to start.  Where your parents take you around to all the booths, introduce you to all the teachers.  Let you tour the school and your new classroom.

That one.  He missed it.

It wasn't his fault, Mommy was sick.

Mommy's been sick a lot lately.  And that makes Kurt worry.  He doesn't like it when he's sick, he just wants to cuddle his blanket and one or both of his parents then. So if she's sick the last thing he wants to do is be away from her at school.

But school time comes anyway.  And he is fidgeting with little bow tie Mommy made him wear as she kneels down in front of him, making sure every strand of his hair is in its rightful place.

"Kurt, my sweet boy, I want you to have so much fun and make friends today. Okay?"

His crystal clear blue eyes are open wide as he nods back at her. A soft yes Mommy falling from his pink lips.

So young.

So trusting.

His mother stands back up, straightening out her long jean skirt and grasping his tiny hand in her own. Leading him into the big double doors of West Lima Primary School. Kurt's eyes curiously dart all around as he diligently follows his mother to the open doorway of his kindergarten classroom.

The brightly colored room is bustling with children, so many of which that Kurt is instantly shy all over again. By the time the teacher reaches the pair, the small brunette boy is hiding from everyone behind his mother's skirt.

Small smiles and laughs are shared between the two adults as his teacher appears in front of them, her hand extended to his mother. "Hello and welcome to our classroom. I'm Miss Hopewell. And who do we have here??"

Kurt's mother uses the hand that she still has holding his own to disentangle him from her clothing. Coaxing him out from behind her body. He is nervously glancing down at his shiny shoes, refusing to meet anyone's eyes as he hears his mother respond to the teacher.

"Hello Miss Hopewell. I'm Elizabeth Hummel and this shy little man here, this is my Kurt."

Only when the teacher is kneeling down in front of him, completely on his eye level, does Kurt finally look up from the ground. His cheeks go pink as he looks into the eyes of his teacher, her smiling face surrounded by a head of curly auburn hair. Smattering of freckles scattered across a nose with thin rimmed glasses perched on them.

"Hi there Kurt. I'm going to be your teacher. If you want you can call me Miss Chrissy. I hope we can be great friends and have fun this year."

She reaches out and shakes his little hand, earning a small smile in return before she stands back up and starts addressing his mother once again. Pointing out all sorts of things in the room to her as Kurt lets his gaze flit around, curiosity getting the best of him. And little by little he begins to notice the little nuances going on around the room.

Only his mother kneeling down in front of him again can shake him from the silent exploration he is doing with his eyes. She places a finger under his chin, turning his face to look at her again. When his blue eyes meet hers, so very similar in color, a smile crosses both of their faces. He collapses into her arms as she holds them open wide. Allowing her to pepper kisses carefully amongst the brown locks on his head.

"My sweet baby boy, be good today. I'll be waiting for you this afternoon with milk and cookies to hear all about your new friends and experiences."

"Yes Mommy."

Reluctantly he allows her to let go, helping him to put away his coat and book bag at the little cubby with his name on it. Kurt all in blue lettering with a little umbrella sticker after it. And in no time he was watching his mother walk back out of the room with watery eyes.

Once she is out of sight he turns back around, carefully evaluating the other children in the room.

Three little girls, two blondes and a brunette are playing with dolls in one area of the room.

Near them two boys who look far too big to only be five years old are tossing a small nerf football back and forth to each other.  Speaking in loud voices across the short distance separating them.

Other kids are scattered about coloring quietly.

But no one draws his eyes other than a very tiny brunette wearing a frilly dress.  She is in the far corner of the room, spinning in circles.  Toy microphone in her hands.

Kurt weaves through the room, dodging kids left and right.  Until he is standing near her.  As speaking up in his most authoritative voice.

"Hi, I'm Kurt.  Can I play with you??"

Kurt sits in the living room of his apartment, four year old girl seated primly on his husband Blaine's lap.  He chances a glance around the room, taking in all of the important people in his life.  Then he brushes dark bangs back from the face of the small child, tapping her playfully on her nose.

'And that Arianna, is how Auntie Rachel and I first met and became friends.'

The end.

This Time Around (Glee One Shots)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن