Comfort Where You'd Least Expect It

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She doesn't even know how she ended up here, sitting at a table at the Lima Bean. Still in her demure black ensemble: pleated skirt, buttoned up cardigan. Hair pulled back from her face in a low bun.

Most of the extended family, Aunt Esther and all her cousins are probably still at the temple. At the services.... consoling Safta and her Dad but Rachel, even in her haze of grief had to get away. If only for just a moment.

She just couldn't bare to think of her Daddy not being there any more.

So as if by autopilot her feet carried her to the coffee shop.

Alone at a corner table, peppermint tea rapidly cooling in front of her.


Despite how much he tries to deny it any time someone like Hummel brings it up, Sebastian Smythe IS at the Lima Bean a lot.

He really likes coffee. And well.... sometimes the scenery available in Lima is rather intriguing, full of beautiful creatures and witty banter.

And as we waits for his coffee at the counter, green eyes survey the patrons seated at their tables.  Searching not only for a spot to sit but for his next target. 

Just as the barista passes his cup to him, he notices the beautiful, petite angel of a girl seated alone at a table near the back.

He swaggers up to the table, coffee in hand, the sweet girl looking down at her hands the entire time.

"Fancy seeing you here, Broadway."

His heart almost breaks when she looks up at him, big brown Bambi eyes filled with unshed tears.

His knees practically buckle as he folds himself into the seat across from her at the table.  Voice devoid of any sarcasm, gentle and soft when he speaks again.

"Rach....   are you okay?


"...and now he's gone.  I just don't understand it...   he wasn't even sick.  If I had remembered to pick up juice on my way home from school, he wouldn't have stopped at the store after his meeting.  Wouldn't have gotten in the accident.  My daddy.....   he'd still be here if it weren't for me...."

Sebastian isn't quite sure what to do as he witnesses his beautiful angel breakdown in front of him.  Slowly he reaches out a hand to grasp hers, stilling her nervous movements. 

His green eyes completely sincere when she looks up into them.

"Broadway, why don't I take you away for a little while.  Take your mind off things.  Come back to Dalton with me?  The boys and I will do our best to cheer you up.  I'll even watch 'Funny Girl' with you if you want me to as well.  You just can't be here alone.  Okay??"

She struggles to smile even slightly, nodding some. 


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