Meet Cute

193 11 12

For alex_Corney96

"Explain to me WHY we had to drive over an hour for coffee?  There is a cafe ON CAMPUS, Anderson!"

Sebastian huffs as he follows the shorter Warbler into the coffee shop in podunk Ohio. The Lima Bean. Are they TRYING to be ironic?

Blaine just smiles that charming smile of his as the walk up to the counter, attaching themselves to the end of a rather long line of people waiting to place their orders.

"Well I figured you needed a change of scenery from all those uniformed boys hitting on you.  Especially after you made poor Thad cry when you not so subtly told him that he wasn't your type.  What actually IS your type Smythe?  Since you say you're straight but still compliment my ass like non-stop."

He chuckles softly as the line starts to move.

"I'm appreciative of beauty when it's standing right in front of me Killer. And you, with your tight little body, you are an adorable little escapee of Hobbiton, Anderson. Even I can admit that. But honestly, you've got nothing on what she looks like."

Sebastian motions with his head towards a girl a few spots in front of them in line. Her wavy brunette locks flowing down her back, a black beret sitting jauntily on her head.

"I mean she all tiny like you Killer, but even with those knee highs and itty bitty skirt... her legs look a mile long and those heels make her ass look..... damn."

Blaine watches Sebastian slack jawed as they keep moving up in the line. The girl in question is now placing her order with the barista. And his voice is beginning to carry some in the coffee shop.

"Smythe you may want to cut it out some. Quiet down. You're being loud and she's like RIGHT THERE."

Sebastian rolls his eyes, giving out a snort of laughter at the prospect of being overheard.

Doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother her.

The words are on the tip of his tongue when the girl in question turns around, her coffee in her hand.

And instantly his heart is in his throat.


Big brown eyes staring directly up at him.

And the angel opens her mouth to speak.

"Tony, your friend really needs to learn to keep his voice down. Especially when he's not so secretly checking me out in the middle of the Lima Bean."

Sebastian's most definitely NOT blushing as she addresses Blaine.

He's not.

It's just....

Is it suddenly too warm in here??

Blaine chuckles.

"I tried to warn him Maria but...." he shrugs.


She giggles as Sebastian awkwardly greets her, his cheeks still cherry red.

Coffee cup clutched in her delicate fingers she offers up a sweet smile as she starts to move back towards the door.

"Well he's adorable even if he's overly boisterous. Bring him around more often Blainey. I've got to go though, dance class is calling."

Blaine nods. Sebastian finally breaks out of his stupor and sputters after her.

But.... but.... don't leave.

"No worries cutie. I'll get in touch. Blaine will give me your information. I'm Rachel."

And with that she's gone.

(Okay so I know this isn't what I promised but I hope you like it anyway)

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