Candy Striper

233 8 9

For glowy-chloee, I hope you like this.

It's just a typical Saturday morning for Sebastian Smythe, working off his community service hours at Westerville General hospital singing songs for sick patients.

Dressed in his Dalton blazer with a pair of dark wash jeans, the patients tending to like the clean cut casual look, he struts down the hallway to the nurses station. Looking for the patient listing so he can decide where to head first.  His favorite nurse is manning the station when he gets there, the old woman so charmed by him that she generally gives him the easy or attractive patients.

"Greetings Francine, you're looking beautiful this fine morning."

She pushes her dark rimmed glasses up her nose as she smiles at him, that grandmotherly smile.

"Oh Mr Smythe.... I've got a list of patients for you today. Mr Thompkins is still up on 7 as is Mrs Younger if you're up for them."

Sebastian wrinkles up his nose at those options. Although those older patients are pretty easy to deal with having to sing old Broadway standards isn't really his idea of fun.

Not that any of this is particularly fun for him.

Her friendly smile falls some as she looks further down the list.

"I know, I know....  they're not your favorites but they adore your little shows....  let me see.  There is always the pediatric ward, another round of Disney songs and all. They just got in a new patient, someone close to your age here recovering from appendix surgery."

Sebastian considers that option and nods.

"I think I'll go with the kids.  Sometimes they join in on the songs so it's not so boring for me.   And it might be nice to talk to someone my own age."

She nods and motions down the hallway, towards the elevators.

"Good my boy, good. I know they've been begging for you to visit them again. Just head on up and make sure you see Constance while you're up there so she can verify your hours."

Sebastian nods in response and heads in the direction the woman noted. He really wishes he didn't have to do any of this in the first place. Wasting his weekends and free time like this, entertaining the feeble and infirm. But it was the best his father could negotiate after the slushee debacle.

You'd think being the son of a states attorney would give him more leeway but apparently Anderson's parents are quite well to do.

So here he is...

The giggles reach his ears as soon as he steps off the elevator.  And almost instantly he's swarmed by a small group of children clad in hospital gowns and slippers. 

"Hey kiddos!!  Miss me that much??"

The kids are quickly rounded back up and ushered to the commons area as the head nurse on the unit, Constance, comes up to Sebastian.

"Francine called up to warn us that you were coming for a visit Mr Smythe and safe to say the kids got a little excited for your singalongs."

Sebastian blushes, he didn't realize the kids looked forward to his visits as much as they did.  And he misses most of what she says next.

"....just waiting for her.  Would you be able to go to room 112 and grab our last patient for us Mr Smythe.  She's been feeling blue and it might be nice for her to see a friendly face closer to her own age."

Sebastian tilts his head slightly to the side, confused by what he missed of the conversation and the nurse repeats herself.

"Room 112 Mr Smythe. Can you please go and get her for me and then you can start your little show?"

Sebastian nods his head reluctantly and starts off down the hallway to the room with his hands jammed in the pocket of his jeans. He signed up for this whole singing gig but no where, no way did he sign up for patient transfer duty.

But it's not like he can say no. He needs to do what they ask of him so they will sign off on his community service hours.

So off he goes.

He gently raps on the door jamb when he reaches the correct room. Calling out as he enters the room.

"Hello, I'm Sebastian and I was sent to get you...."

But his thoughts die in his throat when he catches sight of who is sitting primly in the wheelchair gazing forlornly out her hospital room window.


Rachel peers over her shoulder as she maneuvers the chair awkwardly to face him. And immediately he jumps to attention, coming over to help her.


(Okay I hope this is what you were looking for. Please let me know if I isn't and I'll try again. ❤️ Shann)

This Time Around (Glee One Shots)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt