New Baby Smell

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"Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool????"

Sebastian's soft crooning can be heard the whole way in the living room thanks to the baby monitor sitting in the middle of the coffee table.

Kurt rolls his eyes as he picks his mug up off the table, motioning to the monitor with his free hand.

"Okay, I've officially heard everything. The Meerkat is really in there singing nursery rhymes."

Rachel nonchalantly flips the pages of her magazine, sitting on the couch beside Kurt.  Her legs, clad in black yoga pants, tucked neatly underneath her body.  She just hums in affirmation, giving no real importance to his statement.

"Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full."

"Really Rach, really?!  You're just going to ignore the fact that he is in there singing nursery rhymes.  Blaine, are you hearing this?  Come on you guys. Really?!?!"

Before Blaine can respond they hear the end of the song drifting through the speaker of the baby monitor, in Sebastian's soft tenor.

"One for the master,
And one for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane...."

Rachel sets her magazine down on the table, getting up to refill her water glass. Leaving Kurt gaping at her.

Quickly he turns to Blaine again. "Blaine really.... have we entered crazy-town here? Rachel is being eerily silent and Sebastian Smythe is singing. Nursery Rhymes. Nursery rhymes Blaine. Sebastian. Singing. To A Baby..... what is going on?!?!"

Blaine grabs a carrot stick from the crudités platter on the table, motioning with it as Rachel returns to her previous spot next to Kurt on the couch.

"Kurt, honestly, you had like 9 months to get used to the idea of this. They've got a kid now. Sebastian's a dad. So isn't he allowed to sing to his own baby?"

Kurt looks to Rachel once again, still perturbed by the whole situation. She sighs, setting her glass back down on the coaster and picking her magazine back up again.

"He's got a point Kurtsie. Seb's really good with her. Like, even I'm amazed by it."

He shakes his head, clearly unconvinced as Sebastian's voice floats through the tiny speaker once again.

"Chut Virginie, chut. Papa t'aime tellement. Dors maintenant mon bébé. Dors et fais seulement de beaux rêves, ma belle petite fille."

Blaine practically squeals with glee at his words and Rachel cannot contain her smile as she flips through her magazine, still trying to appear disinterested in the situation. Content to let Sebastian have his alone time with the tiny baby in the next room.

Kurt is antsy.  His leg bouncing, foot tapping on the floor.  Fingers clenching and unclenching.  He stands up, facing Rachel seated on the couch.  Blaine, kneeling on the floor next to the coffee table.

"He's hogging her......   Ginnie is my goddaughter and he's hogging her.  Rachel Barbara Berry, you go in there and demand that he let me hold that baby this instant!!"

Rachel sighs as she tosses her magazine aside, standing up to lay a calming hand on Kurt's arm.  "I know you're her godfather, trust me.  That was a major point of contention between Sebastian and I.  But please let him have time with her. He's been at the office all day."

Kurt sighs loudly, shaking off her hand.  He stalks into the adjoining kitchen area, calling back over his shoulder.  "Fine.  Fine.......  Let the Meerkat have his fun.  But I AM holding that baby before we leave tonight."

Rachel waves him off dismissively as she walks quietly towards the nursery to check on Sebastian and Virginie.

"Oh and Kurt...."

He hums in response, adding a new tea bag to his mug and reaching for the kettle.

"Please do remember that it's Rachel Barbara Smythe.  Has been for like 2 years now."

His disgruntled groan can be clearly heard as she moves through the apartment, giggling to herself.

When she reaches the open doorway to the nursery, she smiles contently once again at the sight in front of her. Realizing how incredibly blessed she is to have those two wonderful people in her life.

Sebastian is swaying in the middle of the room, humming a soft tune, baby held securely to his chest.

Sebastian is swaying in the middle of the room, humming a soft tune, baby held securely to his chest

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He spins in place to face the door, vibrant green eyes meeting her brown ones. And his cheeks color a light pink.

"Mon Cherie, how long have you been standing there??"

Rachel drops her gaze from his eyes to the baby in his arms as she tip toes into the room. Reaching his side and ghosting a finger down the super soft skin of their daughter's arm. Her little eyelashes fluttering in her sleep against her pink cheeks.

"Not long at all Bas. I wouldn't dare interrupt your alone time with her. Although I was listening in."

His eyes go wide as Rachel lifts the sleeping baby out of his arms and places her in the waiting Moses Basket with a kiss on her forehead.

His eyes go wide as Rachel lifts the sleeping baby out of his arms and places her in the waiting Moses Basket with a kiss on her forehead

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"You heard me??"

She nods silently and points to the monitor set up on the table beside the rocking chair.  Sebastian nods as he goes to stand behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder so they can both watch their daughter sleep.

After some time Rachel whispers up to him, both never taking their eyes off the baby.

"You know, Kurt wants to hold her before they leave."

Sebastian's chuckle echoes through Rachel's ear.  His voice low, sensual.  As to not be picked up by the baby monitor sitting only a few feet away from them.

"He'll have to fight me first.  That new baby smell is far too intoxicating to share with anyone but you, Rach."

The end.

'Hush Virginie, hush. Daddy loves you so much. Sleep now my baby. Sleep and have sweet dreams, my beautiful little girl.'

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