Down with the Sickness

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For SebAllen99, I hope this is what you had in mind.

*hacking coughs*


He pauses with wheezing breath before proceeding with his thoughts as he shuffles to the door.

"I'm coming....   you can stop knocking now."

Sebastian drags his weary body, wrapped up in a blue fleece blanket, across the floor of his spacious midtown Manhattan apartment to answer the door.  Those soft knocks feeling like a jack hammer directly to his brain.

The sneeze he gives out when he opens the door muffles the small gasp the girl standing in the doorway gives off. 

"Bastian, you look horrible.  Come on, I'll help you back to the couch and make you some of Nana Goldfarb's special matzo ball soup. It cures everything, I promise."

Sebastian nods wearily as he allows the petite diva to help him back to his couch.  Reclining his lithe body into the plush material as she rearranges his blanket, tucking it in tightly.  The kiss she leaves on his head feels cool and the click of her heels soothes his mind as she walks into the kitchenette.

After what only feels like only a matter of minutes, but was really much longer, her sweet gentle voice rouses him once again from the slumber he didn't even realize he fell into.

"Sebby, it took a while but your soup is ready. If you want I can help you sit up so you can eat it."

Her cool fingers ghost across his clammy forehead leaving a feeling of safety and love blooming in his heart and feverish mind.

And he nods, allowing her to help pull him to a seated position. Letting her steady hands even feed him his soup.

After a few spoonfuls he croaks out a hoarse response to her.

"Rachie, you didn't need to come over. I'm gonna make you sick too."

She just shakes her head and resumes spoon feeding him the soup until it is all gone.

"I've stocked up on antibiotics Sebastian. I'll be fine. Besides, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I let my guy wallow around his apartment by himself while he was sick. We both know your idea of home cooking is takeout from the French bistro down the block.  So just let me do this."

Sebastian nods slowly as he watches her head back into the kitchen area with the empty bowl.  Moments later she pads back across the room to him.  Her soft, soothing voice hits him once again, washing over him like butter melting on warm bread.

"Bastian, you need to rest okay.  And you'll be more comfortable if I can get you back to your bedroom.  If you'll let me help you. Okay??"

Once again Sebastian nods, not trusting the strength of his voice right now.

She takes his hand in her own, gently pulling him to his feet and leading him towards his bedroom.

And he's not sure if it's the alluring sway of her body, the fever or the cold medication in his system but watching her walking in front of him is causing something to stir inside of him.

When they reach the bedroom she tries to get him to lay down on the bed, but he captures he around he waist and pulls her down onto the bed with him. 

Rachel squeals in protest.

"Sebastian!!  Let me up. You need your rest."

He shakes his head as he rolls her underneath his heated body, pressing her into the bed.  Lips very close to her own.

"But Broadway, you can help me sweat out my cold."

And he pulls her into a searing kiss.

The end.

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