How Long....?

198 8 15

For alex_Corney96   Warning Aghast

They're both breathless, sharing the same small bit of air in her bedroom.  Faces just inches apart.

"We can't do this..... it's.... it's not right."

He shakes his head, hands digging deeper into her chocolate colored locks. Moving infinitesimally closer to her, if that were even possible.

"Hush Love, my sweet perfect Maria... we... we can just say we're rehearsing if anyone sees us."


Closing night of West Side Story.  Finn sits in the audience, watching as Rachel prances around the stage.  Singing her heart out.  Crying magnificently on cue as Blaine's Tony lays dying in her arms. 

She's talented.

Really she is. 

He's downtrodden none the less as he heads backstage with the single rose for her, the congratulations on a great show run. Her first stop on the way to her Broadway dreams. 

His dreams are kaput though.  The Ohio State scout passed him over for the full ride scholarship.  He chose Shane (the big nose tackle who was dating Mercedes) instead of him.  And it blows. 

Like a lot.

With a large sigh he drags his body towards the dressing room with the big golden star on outside of it. Pausing before he knocks.

Then he hears it.

Her breathy moans followed by groans and growls in a deeper voice.

'Oh Blaine....... more. Please more.'

'Shit Rach. How are you still so tight?'

Finn backs up with wide eyes, hands curling into angry fists. Thorns from the rose digging into his skin until the stem snaps. Blood red rose dropping to the floor as his angry footsteps echo through the backstage area.


Kurt's clear blue eyes are more like a stormy grey the next time he sees Blaine. He spent the whole weekend crying in his room after Finn told him the things he heard. That Blaine was.... he doesn't even want to think about it.

That sunny face, now loosely gelled hair and bow ties.  He still looks dapper as ever.  And Kurt's heart clenches painfully.

The former Warbler rushes over with a friendly wave and Kurt looks for any excuse for a hasty exit.

"Hey Kurt!!  I didn't get to see you after the show closed.  I thought we'd go for coffee or something."

Kurt narrows his eyes at Blaine, still trying to move away from him.

"No Blaine.  I...,   I think we need to break up."

"But why??"

Blaine tilts his head to the side in that adorable little puppy way that used to have him melting inside.  But this time it just leaves him feeling sad and nauseous.

He lowers his voice, adding a steely edge to it.

"Because you're FUCKING Rachel."

Blaine recoils from that one statement as if he was slapped across the face. Leaving Kurt to stalk out of the school building.


Green eyed boy surveys the scenery as he turns from the Lima Bean counter with his latte in hand.  He spots his favorite target sitting alone at a table near the window.  With a smirk and an added swing to his hips he swaggers up to the table where the blue eyed boy is currently staring into his cup.

"Fancy seeing you here Gay Face.  Where is Gay Cyclops?  Still trying to stumble his way inside?"

The pain evident in Kurt's eyes has Sebastian instantly softening his expression as he folds his long body into the seat across from him.

"Hummel, what's....   what's wrong?  What happened?"

Kurt gives off a huge sigh, barely looking at the Warbler seated at his table. 

"We broke up.  He cheated on me. With Rachel. Go ahead and gloat."

Sebastian reaches his hand across the table, gently grabbing Kurt's hand.  Causing the blue eyed boy to meet his steady gaze.  Emerald eyes burning into him. 

"Kurt....   I'm sorry.  Really I am.  Is there anything I can do to make you feel better??"

Kurt gives a small nod, turning his hand up so that Sebastian can lace their fingers together in a comforting gesture. 

"Just sit with me.  Please??"

The end.

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