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"Blaine!  Blaine!! Is that Rachel over there??"

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"Blaine! Blaine!! Is that Rachel over there??"

Blaine's gaze follows in the direction that Kurt is pointing. And low and behold, standing across the room at the sign in table is a petite brunette with her back to them.

It sure looks like Rachel, at least the hair. But neither of them have seen her in person since they got married. Since her failed attempt at 'The Rachel Berry Project'. And that was almost 8 years ago. So seeing her at Kurt's 10 year high school reunion really is unexpected.

The woman at the table finally turns around, hands resting on what appears to be a small baby bump underneath her short black dress. And it is, it is Rachel Berry.

Her face lights up as she notices Blaine and Kurt standing across the way with cups of punch in each of their hands. One of her hands raises from her abdomen as she waves their way, walking gracefully towards them.

Both men set their drinks down on the table they are beside as she reaches them.  Eagerly giving hugs to their long lost friend.

"Rachel, you look amazing!!"

"Goodness Maria, you're glowing."

She blushes at their compliments, running a nervous hand through her hair.  And it is then that they notice the two delicate rings on her left hand.  One a simple band of white gold.  The other sporting a rather large diamond in the center of it.

"Hi boys, I'm sorry I dropped out of sight there for a while. I missed you too though. I appreciate the compliments as well, even though I feel like a blimp and I still have 5 months to go."

Kurt just stares at her speechless. Rachel all but confirmed for them that she is pregnant. Blaine however, bubbles forth excitedly. So happy to have his Maria back in front of them once again.

"Oh Maria! I'm so happy to see you again. You're married and having a baby?! I'm going to be Uncle Blaine! This is so exciting......"

Rachel giggles at Blaine. Kurt chimes in, rescuing his husband from his own word vomit as his eyes dart around the room.

"So Rach, where's the lucky guy?"

As she opens her mouth to reply a male voice can be heard as someone swiftly approaches them.

"Angel, I'm sorry that took so long. It was so hard to find a parking spot out there. Why doesn't this school have a valet set up for this event? We must make sure our little cupcake never attends a low class public school like this one."

Hunt, that's not very nice.

Kurt stares up at the handsome man in full Army Dress Blues now standing with his hand on Rachel's back. He is smiling sweetly down at their friend, who then turns her attention back to Kurt and Blaine.

Cheeks pink.

"Oh my gosh. Kurt, Blaine, where are my manners. Guys this is my husband, Captain Hunter Clarington, US Army."

Hunter extends his hand first to Kurt, the waifish man shaking it warily.  Then he turns to Blaine with a smirk on his face.

"Hunter??  How??  Where did you meet My Maria??"

Hunter shakes his hand, chancing a small glance to his wife by his side before looking back at the former Warbler.

"Blame LA, Anderson. Well that and Sebastian. He knew I was in LA when she had her meltdown and set us up. If it wasn't for him I never would have met my sweet angel."

He releases Blaine's hand, leaving him speechless as he turns to Rachel once again. Loving smile on his face as he presses a kiss to her temple. "Love, why don't we find a seat and I'll get you some water. You shouldn't be on your feet so long." She nods at him, bidding Kurt and Blaine farewell as Hunter leads her a little bit away to an empty table.

Kurt and Blaine turn to each other once they are gone with confused expressions on their faces.

"Wasn't that the Warbler that tried to steal our Nationals Trophy?"

Blaine nods, "Guess he really is not even remotely bicurious after all."

The end.

A/N: Okay that's a little shitty but whatevs. Hope you like it.

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