Why Must You Meddle?

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For DanielleJackson379

Sebastian goes back to the table in the far corner of the Lima Bean, the one with the really comfortable couch by it, with two coffee cups in his hand.

Rachel looks up when he approaches, offering him a sweet smile as he slips into the seat across from her.  Blushes covering both of their cheeks as he passes her cup across the table and reaches for her free hand.

And from the other side of the room they're watched over with a scowl.


Blaine and Kurt have a weekly meet up, dating back to the days when Blaine was still at Dalton.

Every Tuesday afternoon at 3:45 sharp they meet up with each other at the Lima Bean, always on Tuesdays because of Kurt's free period at the end of the day coinciding with Blaine finishing up his boxing regime.

But lately Kurt hasn't been alone when Blaine shows up for their regular coffee date. He's been with an increasingly moodier Finn Hudson.

Blaine warily approaches the table where the two boys are sitting, his coffee in hand.  And he can't help but overhear their conversation.

"What the hell is she doing with him?!"

"Finn just stop. Stop. You're the one who broke up with her. So she's moved on. Deal. With. It."

Blaine quickly looks around to see what has Finn so hot and bothered. And then he sees them. Looking so cozy in the corner of the coffee shop.


Rachel's soft smile makes Sebastian just about melt inside. Especially when she laces her tiny fingers with his where his hand rests on the table. And his cheeks go pink again, just the slightest. He'd never outright admit that he's blushing.

"I like you so much Sebby. So very much."

Oh okay, maybe he IS blushing.


At Blaine and Kurt's table Finn is furiously shredding the napkins on the table into an angry pile of confetti. That is until Kurt bats his hand away and moves the rest of the pile before they can be reduced to ruble.

"Stop that!"

Finn grimaces back at him.

"How...   how do you expect me to just SIT HERE while he is over there MACKING ON MY GIRL?!"

Kurt scowls back at his step brother.

"Finn, I said stop it!"

Finn grumbles angrily and tries to get up out of his seat.

"No, I'm going to go get her back from that smarmy, private school dickwad."

Kurt shoots a panicked look in Blaine's direction as Finn pushes away from the table. 

The curly haired boy jumps into action.  He may be shorter than the quarterback but he's fast.  A compact, powerful body. And he puts himself between Finn and the still oblivious couple in the corner of the cafe.  Wrapping a strong hand around his wrist and jerking him to a stop.

"Finnegan Aaron Hudson, you listen to me and you listen to me now.  You WILL leave Rachel and Sebastian alone.  She's FINALLY happy and over your ass.  If you even try again, I'll go all Fight Club on your ass!!  Got me??"

With a huff he wrenches out of Blaine's grip and storms out of the coffee shop.

Smytheberry is safe once again.

The end.

(It's ehhh....   but I hope you like it Danielle!)

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