Rescue Me

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(For DanielleJackson379 , thanks for the idea Love)

It had been an excruciatingly slow summer at the Lima municipal pool. Hunter Clarington was really starting to regret his decision to become a lifeguard.

Like really. 

There are only so many times you can goof around with your fellow lifeguards. 

Shove Sebastian Smythe into the deep end after he's changed into his street clothes.

Watch Santana Lopez rubbing sunscreen on herself.

Plan events for the kids. 

How many Bathing Babies Swim Classes can a person possibly teach during a summer after all?  Like babies are cute and stuff but really.   Why don't these parents spring for PRIVATE lessons instead of cramming twenty squirming children in the shallow end of the pool all at one time?

So even though he'd worked up an impressive tan thus far, Hunter is capital b Bored with his summer as a lifeguard.

That is until the fateful day when SHE walked into the pool.

He's completely flabbergasted because duh, she's beautiful

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He's completely flabbergasted because duh, she's beautiful.

"Clarington, close your mouth.  You look like a fish gasping for air."

Reluctantly he drags his gaze away from the new bathing beauty to look at who so rudely interrupted him.  Only to find Puck, with his stupid Mohawk haircut staring back at him.

And because Hunter pauses in acknowledging what he told him, he feels the need to continue on with his thoughts.

"She's pretty, I know. Heard she just moved down the street from Hudson. If you want her you'd need to act fast because it looks like he's already thinking of approaching her."

Puck points to where Hunter can see the bumbling oaf of a boy that Finn Hudson is starting to approach the beautiful brunette just as she starts heading towards the pool herself.

And what does the clumsy sod end up doing in the process? He trips over his own two feet and ends up knocking her into the pool itself.

The deep end.

But when she doesn't immediately resurface, Hunter pushes Puck aside and jumps into action, jumping into the pool to rescue her.

Showing why he was chosen as the head lifeguard.

And as he's helping her back out of the pool, brushing her brunette locks off her face, he offers up a small smile.

"The names Hunter Clarington, Gorgeous. I hope you'll let me know yours as well since I did just save your life."

She blushes and he's pretty sure she's wrapped herself around his heart already with just one little action.

And in a sweet soft voice she speaks.

"Rachel Berry..."

(A/N: I hope this was all okay. It's just a teeny little drabbly thing)

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