Spin the Bottle

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"Blaine, explain to me again why the Meerkat had to come with us??  All he is going to do is insult my friends the entire night!"

Blaine opens his mouth to speak but Sebastian interrupts him before he even gets the chance.

"Zip it, Betty.  If it wasn't for me and MY car none of us would be partaking in whatever sad excuse for a house party you people throw in this backwater provincial town.  So suck it up buttercup or walk your ass back to Dalton."

Kurt clamps his mouth shut as he scurries out of Sebastian's Aston Martin Vanquish, not risking that he will follow through on his threats.

"Bas, that wasn't nice and you know it

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"Bas, that wasn't nice and you know it."

He smirks at Blaine as they both go to exit the car, Sebastian grabbing the small gift bag off the floor behind his driver's seat before he locks the doors up behind them.

"I gotta be me Blanderson, I gotta be me. Now let's just hope I won't regret bringing you to this place.  Okay?"

Blaine rolls his eyes as he follows Kurt up the walk way, leaving Sebastian to lag after them both.

The front door is already being held open by a giant of a boy by the time Sebastian gets there.

"Kurt, what's he doing here??"

"He was the only one available with a car.  I didn't know what else to do, especially since Rach was so desperate for Blaine and I to be here."

Sebastian can practically hear Kurt's eyes rolling as he follows the three other boys into the house and down the basement stairs.

A petite brunette is already hugging Kurt tightly. She's cute despite her utterly atrocious green dress that looks like she nabbed it from his mother's old disco wardrobe.

"...so everyone gets two drink tickets. Tonight we're serving a lovely selection of wine coolers."

Sebastian chuckles as he gets closer to the little group congregated at the foot of the basement stairs. He holds out the bag he has been carrying to the girl who he can only assume is the hostess of the party.

"That's cute. But perhaps we could drink this instead. Its a bottle of 1984 Chateau Margaux from my family's vineyard in Bordeaux, France."

She gives him a stunned look as she pulls the bottle out of the bag and he saunters past with nothing more than a wink.

Even after that delinquent with the mohawk convinces Miss Hottie Badfashion-Sense to bust into her dads liquor cabinet the party is barely living up to Sebastian's usual standards.

There are the obligatory drunk girls running around doing god only knows what. One blond seems to think, in her inebriated state that she is in a strip club. Either that or she's practicing for her future career.

Sebastian really isn't that sure what is going on around him. Just that this party is a wonderful trainwreck excursion into middle class America.  So he sips the wine he brought out of a tacky red solo cup and continues to wander about, silently observing.

"..... and then there is the needy drunk girl. Hanging all over me."

Sebastian narrows his eyes as the giant oaf of a boy insults his beautiful, poorly dressed goddess. She huffs and stomps away declaring that they all have to play Spin the Bottle.

All of them.

Like right now.

No questions.

The drunken teenagers scurry to the circle in the middle of the room. Overly eager, emboldened by the liquor in the bloodstreams.

Sebastian is just as eager to kiss a (hopefully hot) stranger but he still plays it cool. Casually strolling over to circle and plopping into the empty space beside Blaine.

As the game starts and progresses things just get crazy. These New Directions members have a weirdly incestuous dynamic going on.

Especially when the spicy Latina curses out the slutty blonde for an exceptionally long kiss with the big lipped Bieber lookalike.

He's so wrapped up in laughing over their interaction that he almost misses his goddess reaching for the bottle in the center of the circle.

Blaine's elbow to his side is what draws him out of it all.

"Rachel is so into this. See... she's trying to prove Finn wrong about something or other."


The goddess is named Rachel.

And with that Sebastian decides to make his move. He's kissing this girl. No matter what.

He points across the room, to an empty corner and makes his proclamation in the most commanding voice he can muster.

"Oh my god you guys!!!  Look!!!  It's a unicorn!!"

And like clockwork all of the heads in the room swivel to look in the direction that he is pointing.  None realizing in their drunken stupor that unicorns aren't real. 

So he takes maximum advantage of the gullibility. 

Sebastian reaches down to stop the bottle, changing it so that is ends up pointing directly at himself.   By the time everyone is turning back to the game with disappointed glances he has schooled his expression to one of casual disinterest.

"My bad, guess I scared him away.  But wouldn't you just look at that...  the bottle stopped on me."

Rachel turns her big brown eyes on his as she moves slowly across the circle to him, murmuring out a soft hi that he is quick to reciprocate.

When their lips meet Sebastian SWEARS he feels fireworks.  Her hands perched on his shoulders as his own go to wrap around her waist. Pulling her closer to him until she is practically seated in his lap.

And breathless when she finally pulls away enough to pant out some sort of recognition of what just happened.

"Your face.....   it tastes....   it tastes..... heavenly."

Sebastian smirks as he shifts her slightly in his grasp, allowing her to practically recline against his chest.

"True words, spoken by an angel on earth," he murmurs softly in her ear as the game breaks up around them.

Because no one, absolutely no one else can top that kiss.

The end.

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